【禁聞】“李莊案”重新再審 眾指司法不公















Government and Gangs, Not a Soap Opera

Lawyer Li Zhuang, who was sentenced to 1.5 years

in prison for allegedly fabricating evidence

in the Chongqing corruption crackdown,

was accused of conspiracy right before his release.

The Chinese lawyers community sees this case

as a reflection of the legal injustice in China.

Qin Yongmin, co-founder of China Democracy Party,

who was jailed for 12 years, says that Li Zhuang,

who as a “defense attorney for a gangster client”

was jailed because he could reveal the connection

between the government and local gangs.

Qin compared the case of Li Zhuang to a soap opera.

Qin Yongmin: “Who’s directing the soap opera?

It’s not an individual, but the entire legal system

in China, which is not at all independent.

It follows orders of the people in power.

Dictators can manipulate the law at will.”

Renowned criminal defense lawyer Mo Shaoping

says that if the conspiracy in which Li Zhuang

is allegedly involved didn’t happen in Chongqing,

this is beyond Chongqing city’s jurisdiction.

Mo Shaoping: “Li Zhuang, as a defense attorney

posed a threat to Chongqing police

which tortured suspects. And then Chongqing police

handled the investigation, prosecution, and trial

of Li’s case, showing lack of basic regulations.”

Human rights lawyer Li Heping believes

that both charges against Li Zhuang are groundless.

He says the judicial system in China is regressing.

Li Heping: “From a lawyer’s perspective,

it is very ridiculous. It is a result of

the non-independent judicial system.

The judges themselves are controlled by power,

and cannot make fair rulings,

which has resulted in legal injustice in China.”

Li Heping recommends Li Zhuang to find a lawyer

to defend himself if his case goes to trial again,

as it is the only legal way to fight for justice

under China’s current circumstances.

Mo Shaoping said, that the judicial system’s issue

is its failure to abide by the law,

especially in cases of government officials.

Mo believes the root cause is the political system.

Mo Shaoping: “Failure to abide by the law

and laxity in law enforcement is a result of

the political system which lacks balance of power.

Democracy will arrive in China, as this is

a historical trend and cannot be stopped.”

Li Zhuang, who was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison

for allegedly fabricating an evidence,

is scheduled to be released on August 9, 2011.

Li’s lawyer confirmed that Li was coerced

into admission of guilt by high-ranking officials.

Chongqing authorities worry that after his release,

Li Zhuang will pose a threat to the political plans

of Bo Xilai before communist party’s 18th congress.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Zhao Xinzhi, and Sun Ning
