【禁聞】「啟蒙的藝術」開展 文藝仍被打壓












而中國著名的雕塑家張崑崙在記錄片《超越紅牆》(Beyond the Red Wall)中,也陳述了自己被中共迫害的親身經歷。




『Art of Enlightenment』 Opens in Beijing

『Art of Enlightenment』 exhibit opens in Beijing,

organized by German and Chinese museums.

How does the German media view the event?

What is the European 『Enlightenment movement』?

What is the situation with the Chinese artists?

State museums in Berlin, Dresden and Munich,

together with the National Museum of China

opened the yearlong 』Art of Enlightenment』

exhibition in Beijing on April 2.

Nearly 600 pieces of sculpture, painting, clothing

and furniture showcase the history and arts

of the European Enlightenment movement.

Forums and discussions will be hosted as well.

Director Roth of Dresden State Museum said

that the show is like dialog with Chinese visitors.

The European Enlightenment movement

emerged in the 18th century, and was based

on humanity and rational thinking.

It inspired ideas of democracy and human rights.

French Enlightenment writer Voltaire said,

“I may not agree with what you have to say,

but I’ll defend to death your right to say it.”

Enlightenment has influenced the West

for 300 years in politics, economy, and culture.

American politicians Franklin and Jefferson

included the ideal of democracy and the republic

in the Declaration of Independence.

Showing Enlightenment art in dictatorial China

stirred up German media.

Sued Deutsche newspaper said that

the Chinese regime jails writers, censors the web,

and has its plainclothes security beat reporters.

But the regime is certainly willing to show

openness and tolerance to the West.

A day after the exhibit opened, Chinese artist

Ai Weiwei was detained at the airport on April 3.

His Shanghai workshop was recently dismantled .

Writer Liao Yiwu, who visited Germany last year,

was deprived of the right to travel abroad.

Liao: “Over the years, my writing is seen

as a problem, this issue still isn』t resolved.

On March 28, they told me I cannot go abroad.”

Since 1949, the Chinese Communist Party

has suppressed intellectuals and artists.

Persecution peaked during Cultural Revolution,

with a long list of artists killed.

Over the last 30 years, many intellectuals

have been suppressed, include writer Liu Binyan,

reporter Shi Tao, and artist Ai Weiwei.

Recently, well-known commentator Chang Ping

was removed from South Media Group.

Chinese sculptor Zhang Kunlun, featured in

the documentary 『Beyond the Red Wall』,

described his experience under the persecution.

Zhang, former director of Shandong Art Institute:

“I was arrested for telling people about

the Falun Dafa broadcasting station.

I was severely tortured with electric batons.

They beat me badly, broke my leg, tore my clothes.

My skin was burnt, the pain was unbearable.”

A Chinese blogger said that

European Enlightenment promotes

public participation, freedom and democracy.

The Chinese regime suppresses artists,

and violates the spirit of enlightenment.

NTD Reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Sun Ning
