





在雙方爭論之際,波蘭駐臺灣的記者沈漢娜(Hanna Shen),在網上讀到我的文章“米奇尼克給中國開錯藥方”之後,來信表示,她完全認同我的觀點。沈漢娜在共産波蘭出生、成長,後留學美國,近年則常住臺灣。她爲波蘭的報刊寫稿,也不時在中文報刊和她的博客(http://hannashen.tripod.com)上發表關於波蘭、臺灣和歐美等問題的文章。最近在臺灣《自由時報》發表的一篇文章,是談米蘭.昆德拉被揭出當年曾做共產黨線民問題。有興趣的讀者,可以從這個網址看到(http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2008/new/oct/19/today-o6.htm)。








Starting from 1989 Adam Michnik as the editor of Gazeta Wyborcza tried to create opinions and standards among Polish public. He was once called the father of political correctness in Poland. In the last few years, however, his influences vanished and his paper has faced a sudden drop in sale. Why did many of Poles, including some of the Polish intellectuals are deaf to what Michnik is saying- The answer is simple the medicine he prescribed to Poland after the collapse of communism did not work out.

What was this medicine?

First, anti-lustration. Lustration (excluding of participation of former communists, and especially informants of the communist secret police, in political and civil service positions) has been succesfully done in Germany and in Czech. In Poland the newspaper led by Michnik accused supporters of the lustration of dictatorial inclinations! Those who advocated the idea of bringing to justice the former communists high rank officials were condemned by Michnik. He and his newspaper were so hypocritical that they even employed in the paper former informats of communist secret police.(http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2008/new/oct/19/today-o6.htm)

Second, close cooperation with communists and constant attempts to describe communists as experts in running the country ! From 1989 Michnik befriended many communist apparatchiks for example general Wojciech Jaruzelski.

Michnik strongly opposed the prosecution of Jaruzelski who in 1981 proclaimed martial law in Poland. In the article written in his newspaper on May1st 1990 Michnik claimed that the assets of the Polish Communist Party should not be returned to the people and that the post-communist had the right to the assets! With this support communist party nomenklatura continued to dominate Polish banks, industry and media.

After 1989 Michnik was one of the creators of the the “love policy” towards Polish communist. As the result of this strategy Poland has suffered from lack of transitional justice and that has prevented us from rebuilding social trust, repairing a fractured justice system and promoting reconciliation.

Nowadays, Polish people started to understand that the medicine Michnik prescribed for us was wrong. However, it took us almost 20 years to realize it.

Hanna Shen

