



《崇魔的時尚》(Killer Chic)是一部由“思考”電視臺(Reason TV)製作的八分鐘的視頻。它是針對即將放映的好萊塢大片“切.格瓦拉”而製作的。它揭露和抨擊了由演藝界所代表的西方左派的病態崇拜共産屠夫們的心态;深刻地剖析了西方左派至今仍對共産主義、社會主義抱有幻夢,對殺人如麻的共産屠夫們美化和羅曼蒂克化的有害情結與行爲。

逃離古巴的爵士音樂家Paquito D’Rivera和从中國大陆來美尋求自由的前中國國家男籃隊員陳凱在《崇魔的時尚》中現身說法,有力地抨擊了現代西方主流文化中存在著的道德混亂與腐敗現象。同時它也对當今以好萊塢爲首的西方左派以及他們的崇魔心態做了最辛辣的諷刺與描繪。

“思考”電視臺(Reason TV)是美國主流社會的自由黨的媒體平臺之一。

崇魔的時尚 KILLER CHIC(Reason TV 製作)

【旁白】各位好。我是“思考”電視台的Nick Gillespie。你有沒有想過當一個名人扮演另外一個名人,情景會是什麼樣子。好吧,現在我們就來看看在一個新的好萊塢大片中一流演員Benico Del Toro扮演一流英雄切.格瓦拉。

這兩個明星碰撞的炙烈是那麼光彩四射以至於所有電影節中最華麗的“康斯電影節”也不得不將Del Toro推為最佳主演。 所扮演的這個明星所有的是極少的好萊塢巨星們才能得到的。在Oprah, Bono, or Madonna之前,最大的明星其實只是一個字“切”(格瓦拉)。

“切”是爲所有的名人們所青睞的名人,你看Johnny Depp的項鏈上有他。 而Gisele Bunchen除了“切”她身上真是一絲不掛。 “切”在半世紀前就一秀獨出。他以一個理想者革命家的身名幫助建立了一個共產主義的古巴。

今天“切”的革命英雄形象被無數的商品用做品頭貨來賣。你看有“切”牌的啤酒,“切”的項鏈牌,“切”的腰帶環、打火機、快餐等等。 最為流行的“切”的商品就是那出名的汗衫(T-Shirt)。“切”的汗衫是那麼的時興以至於还有你可以买到印有“切”汗衫的汗衫。 在幾乎所有的示威集會上你都會看到“切”的汗衫。 從hip-hop 到搖滾到流行曲,歌星們真的風靡“切”。但是歌星們真的對“切”愛至心坎了嗎?

PAQUITO D’RIVERA(一個逃離古巴的爵士音樂家) 説: “切”對藝術家們恨得咬牙切齒。


Paquito D’Rivera跟格瓦拉見過一次面。他很清楚地記得格瓦拉對他想成為一個爵士音樂家是多麼地仇視。 與“切”的會面叫我開了竅,我當時意識到我得馬上逃走,我不屬於這個鬼地方。 D’Rivera成功地逃離了古巴。在美國Grammy音樂節上他的爵士樂曾九次獲獎。


【旁白】當美國的人們被“披頭 四”風靡的時候,D’Riveria說古巴的音樂迷們將“披頭四”的音樂藏在政府的革命歌曲集裡面互相傳送。

PAQUITO說: 因為他們不想在街上被政府查出他們有“披頭四”或Santana或其他搖滾樂隊的音樂。

【旁白】 你現在可想而見為什麼D’Riviera對在西方人們的崇“切”現象的厭惡了。 在2005年奧斯卡電影節上,Carlos Santana和Antonio Banderas唱了一首電影“摩托車日記”裡的插曲,那是關於青年時期格瓦拉的電影,曾獲得影評論者們的好評。




【旁白】“切”曾是卡斯特羅的主要行刑殺手,並直接掌管過血腥昭著的La Cabana監獄。

PAQUITO說:“切”曾說過,先殺後裁。那真是恐怖至極。這就是為什麼格瓦拉被人們稱為暴名昭著的La Cabana監獄的“屠夫”。

【旁白】 如果你想將你的小孩兒裹在一個有著La Cabana屠夫的形象的連襟衫裡面,恐怕不是什麼好主意。 “切”永遠是“偉光正”的。但很少的人會認出這些無辜的面孔。 這些只是在被“切“和他的行刑隊處決的許多人們中很少的幾個。 然而當Del Toro將他的得獎歸功於切. 格瓦拉的時候,全場高聲歡呼。

幾年以前,D’Rivera曾寫信給Benicio Del Toro告知他關於“切”的真相。看到Santana在奧斯卡得獎後穿著“切”汗衫並帶著十字架項鏈,他也曾寫信給Santana。


【旁白】納粹的符號總是讓我們感到恐怖與惡心。因為希特勒曾是世界上惡名昭著的殺人狂。 這就是為什麼當哈利王子穿上納粹制服參加一個化妝晚會的時候,英國的報界媒體譴責他沒有道德風范。但當哈利王子穿上“切”汗衫的時候,英國媒體卻不以為然地認為這只是個“噱頭”,是“哈瓦那的幽默”,不是嗎?! 我們確實對法西斯的殺人反感抵觸;那麽我們是否對共產邪惡的殺人也同樣反感抵觸呢?!


前中國國家男籃隊員陳凱說:““切”,卡斯特羅,世界上所有的共產邪惡政權最崇拜毛澤東所代表的唯一特質 — 暴力殺人。

【旁白】陳凱在共產獨裁者毛澤東統治下的中國出生長大, 在那時的中國曾是中國國家男籃隊員,但他的職業籃球生涯可不像NBA的球星那樣瀟洒。

陳凱說:“你沒有說話的權利,你甚至沒有思考的權利。 ”



【旁白】 向毛的極權提出質疑是極端危險的。






【旁白】當然我們不能想象有人會用人類歷史上最大的殺人魔王的形象去推銷商品。慢著,也可能“毛”是一個新的“切”。你今天可以買到毛的手表,毛的茶杯,毛的帽子和汗衫。你還可以時髦庸俗地告訴全世界毛澤東是我們一伙的。 就在離陳凱家不遠的一家時尚店裡,他看到有人在賣“毛”汗衫(T-Shirt)。而離那兒只有幾個門臉兒,居然有一家以“毛”命名的飯館兒。



陳凱說:“當我看到這個畫面的時候,我看到了淚;我看到了血。 ”



【旁白】陳凱在1975年的中國第三屆全運會上為他的籃球隊(八一隊)贏得冠軍。 他在毛的臉上打了個叉,但這是在他來到美國以後。如果他在(毛的)中國的時候這樣做會有什麼樣的結果?

陳凱說:“那,我今天不會站在這兒(笑)。 我今天不會站在這兒跟你聊天兒。 ”


【旁白】D’Rivera 品評著這個共產標像成為了商品品頭的現象:

PAQUITO說:“他(“切”)的成功是在他最為仇視的人類行為的領域裡–商業市場。 切. 格瓦拉居然成了商業市場中的熱門貨。 我都要笑死了!”


你穿著切. 格瓦拉的汗衫,你都不知道他是個什麼貨色。

你穿著切. 格瓦拉的汗衫,你都不知道他的醜態暴行。

Reason TV 製作團隊

腳本/製片: Ted Balaker

導演: Alex Manning

製片: Dan Hayes, Michael C. Moynihan

音樂: Michael Orendy

製作助理: Ryan Seals

製作實習: Justin Keppler

總製片: Nick Gillespie



“思考”電視臺(Reason TV)是一個在思維的自由市場上供觀眾思辯、討論、分析的網上媒體平台。 “思考”電視台給予你創作視頻、分享視頻及提出話題的機會。請網上咨詢:www.reason.tv

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“Giselle Bundchen wears him on her bikini. Johnny Depp wears him around his neck. And Benicio del Toro becomes him in Steven Soderbergh’s by-all-accounts-fawning four-hour biopic, Che, now in limited release. Del Toro, who took home best actor honors at Cannes earlier this year, is already earning Oscar whispers for his performance. But “Che” is only the latest sign of

Hollywood’s infatuation with Guevara, Castro, and other dictatorial goons (recently, Sean Penn had a cover story in The Nation lamenting unfair media coverage of the tyrannical Cuban and Venezuelan regimes).

“Killer Chic” tours the hellholes of totalitarianism through the eyes of Paquito D’Rivera, who left Cuba for artistic freedom and ended up becoming a Grammy Award-winning jazz player, and Kai Chen, a former member of the Chinese national basketball team whose relatives were hauled off under Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution. “Killer Chic” is a fascinating and troubling foray into Hollywood’s shallow–and callow–appropriation of murderous thugs."

KILLER CHIC(Production of Reason TV)

NARRATION : Hi I’m Nick Gillespie for Reason TV. Do you ever wonder what happens when a celebrity plays a celebrity?

Well, you get the new epic film where A-lister Benico Del Toro plays A-lister Ernesto Guevara.

NARRATION: The union of the two supernovas was so intense that Cannes, the glitziest film festival of them all, had little choice but to honor Del Toro with the award for best actor.


Benicio Del Toro

NARRATION: The man Del Toro depicted shot to a level of stardom that few A-listers reach─the one word name. Before there was Oprah, Bono, or Madonna, there was Che. Del Toro

Che’s the celebrity that celebrities adore. That’s him on Johnny Depp’s neck. And Che is just about all Gisele Bunchen is wearing.

Che burst onto the scene a half-century ago as an idealistic revolutionary who helped found communist Cuba.

NARRATION: Today his rebellious image is used to sell countless products─beer, flasks, belt buckles, lighters, fast food.

SOT Viva gordita Gordita

NARRATION: The best known Che product is the t-shirt. The Che shirts are so popular that you can buy a t-shirt with the famous t-shirt on it.

SOT Power to the people!

NARRATION: Go to most any kind of protest and you’re bound to see Che.

And from hip-hop to rock to pop, musicians really dig Che. But is this a case of unrequited love? He hate artists. So how is it possible that artists today still support the image of Che Guevara.

NARRATION: Paquito D’Rivera met Che once and recalls how hostile he was to D’Rivera’s dream of becoming a musician.

PAQUITO: Che was an inspiration for me because ever since I thought I have to get out of this island as soon as I can. Because I am in the wrong place at the wrong time.

SOT Mr. Paquito D’Rivera.

NARRATION: D’Rivera did escape Cuba, and so far he’s won 9 Grammy awards playing the kind of music Che tried to silence.

PAQUITO: Rock and roll, as well as jazz, is what they called imperialist music. In the 60s and 70s foreign culture was vetoed there.

NARRATION: While Americans were fainting over the Beatles, D’Riveria says Cuban fans resorted to slipping the fab four’s records into album covers of government-approved performers.

PAQUITO: Because they don’t want to be seen on the street with the cover of the Beatles or Santana or some other rock and roller.

NARRATION: So maybe you can see why D’Riviera gets annoyed at stuff like this.

NARRATION: At the 2005 Academy Awards, Carlos Santana and Antonio Banderas performed a song from the Motorcycle Diaries, the film that won rave reviews for its tender depiction of a young Che Guevara.

D’Rivera calls Santana’s performance ……

PAQUITO: An insult to those young people who have to hide your lps because your music was forbidden in Cuba

NARRATION: The symbol of rebellion actually enforced conformity.

So if protesters tried this in Cuba, Che wouldn’t be marching with them.

His men would be imprisoning them, and perhaps murdering them.

PAQUITO: And he ordered the ution of many people with no trial.

NARRATION: Che also served as Castro’s chief utioner, presiding over the infamous La Cabana prison.

PAQUITO: He say, the detainee, first you kill him and then you judge him. That is very scary. That’s why he was called la caricera del cabana, the butcher of la cabana fortress.

NARRATION: So maybe it’s not such a great idea to wiggle your toddler into a onesie with the butcher of La Cabana’s mug on it.

NARRATION: Che is so iconic, but few recognize these faces. Just some of the many victims of Che and his firing squad. But when del Toro dedicated his award to Che himself, the audience cheered.

NARRATION: Years ago, D’Rivera sent a letter to Benicio Del Toro in which he explained who the real Che was.He also wrote an open letter to Santana after his Oscar Performance in which the musician wore a Che shirt underneath a cross.

PAQUITO: That is like entering a synagogue with a swastika on your chest. That doesn’t make any sense.

NARRATION: Just the sight of a swastika fills us with dread, and for good reason. Adolph Hitler was one of the world’s most notorious mass murderers.

That’s why the British tabloids unloaded on Prince Harry when he wore a Nazi uniform to a costume party. But when the prince hits the town with a Che shirt, it’s just an opportunity to make a cute pun. Havana laugh. Get it?

NARRATION: We’re rightly horrified by fascist murderers; why aren’t also we horrified by communist killers?

NARRATION: Certainly, Che’s body count isn’t anywhere near Hitler’s. But what about someone Che idolized, someone who he might have liked to wear on his chest?

KAI CHEN Che, Castro all these people, all the communist regimes idolized only one thing that Mao personified─violence.

NARRATION: Communist dictator Mao Zedong ruled China when Kai Chen was growing up there. Chen played professional basketball in China, but his was far from the celebrity life of an NBA star.

KAI CHEN: You have no right to talk and you have no right to think.

NARRATION: As he did for all Chinese, Mao monitored Chen’s every move, word, and thought.

KAI CHEN:They effectively eliminated your ability to question anything.

NARRATION: Questioning Mao’s authority was especially dangerous.

KAI CHEN: If you start questioning you’re in danger. Not just yourself, but your whole family.

NARRATION: Chen’s relatives were kidnapped and forced into labor camps; people were hauled off and killed all around him. And Mao’s iron-fisted economic polices created a massive famine that killed 20 million peasants.

KAI CHEN: People start eating each other, eating kids. Parents can’t even stand eating their own kids. They exchanged their kids with their neighbors.

NARRATION: Calculating communism’s death toll is a difficult task, but one taken on by The Black Book of Communism.

The book’s authors, themselves former communists, estimate that Mao is

responsible for the deaths of 65 million people.That’s vastly more than even Hitler’s body count.

KAI CHEN: Mao is a murderer, the biggest mass murderer in human history.

NARRATION : Certainly no one would use the image of the biggest mass murderer in human history to move merchandise. Then again, maybe Mao is the new Che.

You can buy Mao watches, commuter mugs, caps, and t-shirts. You can go all-out kitsch and tell the world that Mao is your homeboy. Just a couple miles from Chen’s Los Angeles home, he encounters a store selling Mao shirts. And a few doors down, there’s a restaurant named after Mao.

KAI CHEN: If there’s an emblem in there with swastika, how people gonna react?

NARRATION: Can you imagine a restaurant called Hitler’s kitchen? Vendors selling Hitler mugs, or t-shirts boasting that Hitler is your homeboy.

KAI CHEN: When I see this I see tears, I see blood.

NARRATION: Neither Chen nor D’Rivera understands why communist killers are considered chic, but each finds his own way to have the last laugh.

KAI CHEN:I sort of crossed Mao’s face.

NARRATION: Chen earned this certificate when his basketball team won the Chinese national championship in 1975.He crossed out Mao’s face, but only after he came to America. What would this tiny protest have gotten him in Mao’s China?

KAI CHEN : Oh, I wouldn’t be standing here (laughs). I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you.

PAQUITO : Sometimes it makes me happy when I see someone with those t-shirts.

NARRATION: D’Rivera relishes the irony that a communist would turn into a commodity.

PAQUITO :His success has been in the area of human activity that he hated most─marketing. Che Guevara is the king of marketing. I love it!


You are a Che Guevara t-shirt wearer, and you have no idea of who he is.

You are a Che Guevara t-shirt wearer, and you have no idea what he did.

Reason TV Production Team

Writer/Producer : Ted Balaker

Director of Photography: Alex Manning

Field Producers: Dan Hayes, Michael C. Moynihan

Music Supervisor: Michael Orendy

Production Assistant: Ryan Seals

Production Intern: Justin Keppler

Editor-in-Chief, reason.tv: Nick Gillespie

Reason TV Introduction

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