蝦仁涼拌粉皮 家庭簡單做法(視頻)



Prawns Greenbean Noodles Recipe

食材份量 Ingredients

120克冷藏蝦仁 120g Frozen Prawns

[加1/8茶匙鹽, 少許胡椒粉] Marinade with 1/8 tsp salt and some ground pepper

200克青瓜 200g Cucumber

粉皮醬料: Sesame dressing:

一湯匙蒜蓉豆瓣醬 1 TBS garlic chilli sauce

一茶匙辣椒油 1 tsp chilli oil

兩湯匙鎮江醋 2 TBS Zhen Jiang Vinegar / Spicy vinegar

一湯匙生抽 1 TBS Soya sauce

一隻紅椒仔(切碎) 1 red chilli (chopped)

一湯匙芝麻醬 1 TBS Sesame sauce

兩茶匙芝麻(炒香) 2 tsp sesame (toasted)

兩粒蒜頭(切碎) 2 garlic cloves (chopped)

兩湯匙白開水 2 TBS water

兩茶匙糖 2 tsp sugar



