港式鹽燒烏頭 家庭簡單做法(視頻)



MamaCheung’s salt baked fish, a easy dish to make, great for dinner parties. I hope you like it.

材料 Ingredients:

一條烏頭(一斤重) 1 grey mullet (600g)

三片薑 3 slices of ginger

三棵芫茜 3 cilantro

三棵蔥 3 scallions

一隻蛋白 1 egg white

半茶匙黑椒碎 1/2tsp ground pepper

一湯匙白醋 1tbsp white vinegar

一茶匙砂糖 1tsp sugar

兩粒酸梅 2 preserved plums

一隻紅辣椒 1 red chilli

一斤鹽 600g salt


