西班牙海鮮飯 超美味家庭做法(視頻)



Sevilla, Spain – Seafood Paella

魚湯 For fish stock:

中蝦殼6隻/shells of 6 prawns

水1公升或600毫升和雞湯400毫升/ 1 litre of water or 600ml water and 400ml chicken stock

白魚骨3/4片(或三文魚骨)/ 3-4pieces of white fish bones (or salmon)

洋蔥1/4個/ a quarter of large onion

黑辣椒粒1茶匙/ tsp of black peppercorn

月季葉1片/ bay leaf

材料 Other ingredients:

洋蔥3/4個/ three quarter of large onion

蒜頭2個/ 2 cloves of garlic

紅甜椒1個/ 1 red bell pepper

番茄1個/ 1 tomato

甜椒粉1茶匙/ 1tsp of paprika

蕃紅花少許 / a small pinch of saffron

魷魚筒1條 / 1 squid (tube only)

中蝦6隻/ 6 prawns

小青口 15隻 / around 15 mussels

西班牙短米 250克/ paella rice 250g

鹽/ salt to taste

檸檬/ lemon slices



