


河南千人騎車遊行 圍堵市政府





深圳數百工人罷工討薪 遭毆打

10月8號至10號,廣東省深圳市耀星科技有限公司的數百工人 ,因為公司隨意剋扣、拖欠工人工資,連續三天罷工,大批警察和武警封門阻止工人遊行。期間雙方發生衝突,多名工人被打傷。

雲南農民工討薪 遭毆打受傷入院

雲南昆明的一個建築樓盤「山海城邦 馬街摩爾城」,拖欠農民工工資兩千多萬,農民工因為多次討薪無果,10月9號,到開發商處拉橫幅討說法,遭到大批頭戴警盔、手持盾牌的保安圍毆,其中兩名農民工被保安用有鐵釘的木棒,打得頭部流血暈倒,被送往醫院搶救。

Oct. 10 Rights Defending Updates

Let ‘s pay attention to today ‘s rights defending activities.

Thousand Protest On Bikes In Henan, Blocking City Government

On Oct. 9, 1400 employees at the Henan Yinge Industrial

Investment Co.,Ltd protested against the company refusing

to give any compensation after forcibly dismiss workers

during the moving of factory.

Protesters rode their bikes to protest and surrounded the

city government of Luohe City in Henan.

Hundreds of Yinge employees striked the day before,

blocking the traffic for nearly 10 hours.

They were dispersed by riot police eventually.

Hundreds of Creditors Protest In Loudi of Hunan Province

On Oct. 9, hundreds of creditors at 4 companies, including

Hunan Loudi Baixiongtang Hi-tech Agricultural, put up banners

in front of Loudi City government, urging the government to

help them retrieve their “lost" money.

Lots of police suppressed the protesters, arresting many.

Later on, creditors sat quietly in front of local public security

bureau, requesting to release the arrested protesters.

2 people hadn ‘t been released by the morning of Oct. 10.

Creditors of over 20 companies have hosted many protests

since April because their raised funds couldn ‘t be cashed.

Hundreds Employees in Shenzhen Beaten During Pay Strike

From Oct. 8 to 10, hundreds of workers at Yaoxing Technology

in Shenzhen City of Guangdong Province striked for 3 days

against the company deducting and owing workers’ wages.

Heavy police and riot police restrained the workers from protest.

Many workers were beaten during the clash with police.

Yunnan Migrant Workers Ask For Pay

Hospitalized From Being Beaten

A property company in Kunming City of Yunnan Province

owed migrant workers over 20 million yuan in wages.

After many times asking for pay without result,

the migrant workers put up banners

at the developer ‘s building on Oct. 9.

Many security guards wearing helmets and holding shields

beat up the workers, two of whom were hit by security guards

with wooden sticks with metal nails on them.

The two passed out with blood on their heads,

and were sent to the hospital emergency rescue.
