

【新唐人2014年09月24日訊】國際特赦組織23號表示,出口「刑虐工具」(tools of torture)的中國大陸企業數量,在過去10年來增加。這些企業從中獲取令人不齒的貿易增長。而它們出口的許多刑具,都落入全球違反人權者的手中,助長了世界其他地方侵犯人權活動。

9月23號,國際大赦和歐米茄研究基金會(Omega Research Foundation)共同發佈題為《中國的刑罰和壓迫工具貿易》的報告。報告中說,超過130家大陸企業生產電擊棒、尖刺棒、加重的腳鐐和其他「有潛在危險的執法設備」。而在2003前,在中國,這類公司還只有28個。













採訪編輯/凱欣 後製/李勇

Amnesty International: CCP earns money by exporting torture tools

On September 23, Amnesty International says,

the number of Chinese mainland enterprises

which export “criminal abuse tools" (tools of torture)

to the international market has increased

during the past 10 years.

These companies have gained profits deriving

from contemptible trade growth.

Many tools of torture they export are

in the hands of the world’s human rights violators,

which fuel human rights violations elsewhere in the world.

On September 23, Amnesty International

and the Omega Research Foundation

jointly issued a report on

“China’s Punishment and Oppression Tool Trade".

The report says that more than 130 mainland enterprises

produce electric shock batons, spiked sticks,

weighted fetters and other

“potentially dangerous law enforcement equipment".

But before 2003, in China,

there were only 28 similar companies.

Patrick Wilcken, security trade and human rights researcher

at Amnesty International, said that

increasing numbers of Chinese companies were profiting

from the trade in tools of torture and repression,

fuelling human rights abuses across the world.

Mainland China lawyer Li Tiantian:

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

have more experience

of producing these items.

Technically, many Chinese prisons need these items,

and the CCP suppress their people by violence,

so these things are produced in China

at a higher level than in other countries.

Then they export these items out

due to their profitability."

Political commentator Tang Jingyuan:

“In these years in China, social conflicts have been

unprecedentedly intensified,

and such large-scale persecution events

and mass crackdowns occur one after another.

Such a reality causes the emergence of a lot of dissidents

and petitioners in society.

The CCP have consistently used violence

to sort out these people and things.

So it needs the tools and equipment of such repression,

which leads to a boom in production.

This is one of the most important reasons why

the number of this type of tool manufacturing

company continues to double. “

The report mentions that in 2011,

the CCP exported a large number of “anti-riot" devices

to Uganda regardless of the fact that widespread

police torture and abuse happened in Uganda.

In the same year, the Congo also used “anti-riot" tools

made in China for repressing dissidents in the elections.

During the violent conflicts in that time,

at least 33 people were killed and 83 people were injured.

The report also says that China has no longer published

the statistical figure of mass events. But in recent years,

the number mass incidents occurring in China

each year amount to 30,000 to 180,000.

Minority protests held in Tibet, Uighur and Mongolia

are subject to brutal repression,

against which authorities are using excessive violence

and a violation of United Nations rules

on enforcement and the use of police force.

Amnesty International researcher Patrick Wilcken

condemned the CCP Authorities for not taking

measures against mainland entreprises

that produce instruments of torture that violate human rights.

When exporting the torture equipment,

there is no consideration of the human rights situation

of the importing countries, ignoring the economic interests

connected with the blood of the people in these countries.

Mainland Lawyer Li Tiantian: “Torture tools are something

related to human rights, so there are provisions

in the international community so that

you cannot just export without control.

But China is a country without human rights."

Tang Jingyuan says that these are directly

related to the nature of the CCP.

Tang Jingyuan: “The CCP is a cult with its doctrinal basis

of violent struggle. The most direct manifestation

after brainwashing by using such doctrines,

is its extreme indifference to life

and the indulgence in human rights violations.

So you can see, the CCP flagrantly infringes

the human rights of those people

under the CCP’s system of rule, and have no mercy.

Considering the violations on their own people,

then let alone the violation happened to other countries.

Tang Jingyuan said that when they export these cruel

instruments of torture, the CCP also export human rights

violations, violations of the right to life, persecution,

the concept of violence and its ideology,

but also the output out.

To this end, the Omega Research Foundation called on

the CCP to immediately ban the production

and export of these devices.

Mainland lawyer Li Tiantian said the international community

should punish and give a reprimand on this matter.

Interview & Edit/KaiXin Post-Production/LiYong
