【禁聞】遼寧特大冤案開庭 11律師聯名力挺





4月25號,又被中共當局稱為「敏感日」,因為在1999年的4月25號這一天,上萬名來自大陸各地的法輪功學員,自發來到北京天安門附近的國務院信訪辦和平請願,維權上訪,開啟了大陸百姓進京上訪的里程碑。 從此,每年的4.25,當局都會出動大量警力抓捕法輪功學員,並將他們以各種莫須有的罪名非法關進監獄。












採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/陳建銘

Eleven Lawyers Insist on Justice for Liaoning Case

A court hearing was scheduled on June 3 in Benxi City

of Liaoning Province for a case involving 17 defendants.

Eleven lawyers arrived in Benxi but were barred outside

the court room in the name of a security check.

The hearing was also postponed.

The case, known as the 4.25 case in Benxi, was scheduled

to be tried in court on June 3.

Eleven entrusted attorneys were denied entry by the court.

Chen Jiangang, entrusted lawyer: “It is humiliating

to the lawyers.

Their was a full body security check and no computers

were allowed.

The court bailiff would not let us in.

After waiting the whole morning, we were told

the hearing was postponed."

April 25 is a sensitive day for the Communist regime.

On April 25 of 1999, tens of thousands of Falun Gong

practitioners voluntarily visited the petition office

of the State Council for a peaceful petition.

This petition sets a milestone for Chinese

to petition in Beijing.

Since then, large scale arrests of Falun Gong practitioners

around April 25 take place annually.

The regime charges innocent petitioners with various

trumped-up charges and illegal imprisonments.

Last year, Benxi City coordinated with the Public Security

Bureau, the Central Politics and Law Commission, the 610

Office and the police to kidnap 17 Falun Gong practitioners

on April 24.

Twelve of them were illegally detained for 13 months.

The court hearing was scheduled on June 3 with eleven

attorneys defending on behalf of the defendants.

Attorney Chen Jiangang: “They do not constitute any crime.

We believe they are totally innocent."

It is said that the public security, procuratorial, and judicial

systems have trampled the law, from the arrest

to the investigation and court hearing during

the 4.25 case in Benxi.

For instance, the public security conducted the arrests

and property searches without a warrant, and torture

to extort confession.

The Procuratorate forcibly transferred the case to the court

with obviously insufficient evidence.

The judges prohibited face to face communication between

lawyers and their clients, delayed the court hearing for six

months, and notified the family that only two people

are allowed to sit in the court at the hearing.

The detention centers gave lengthy extentions

to the detained Falun Gong practitioners.

In addition, the detention center has enslaved illegally

detained Falun Gong practitioners, forcing them to work

more than 10 hours a day.

Chen Jiangang: “An elderly woman of about 60-years-old

is handicapped with an amputated leg and a prosthetic leg.

She has been kept in the detention center

for more than a year.

She was forced to work with her poor health.

There are people saying,“Crawl, even if you can’t.”

She was also scolded in the center.

I had communicated the situation to the center

and demanded bail many times.

But they would not allow it.

Even a disabled person like this is forced to do hard labor."

Eleven lawyers, including Jiang Tianyong, Lan Jhihsyue,

Zhang Chuanli and others announced that they would defend

the innocence of the 12 Falun Gong practitioners.

Lawyer Chen Jiangang explained that none of the current

Chinese law regulates practicing Falun Gong as criminal acts.

The Criminal Law Section 300 only defines

one secret society as the cult.

The regime is fully aware of the facts but is still taking

all measures to interfere with a normal case hearing.

Even suppression of lawyers –revoked licenses

and failing them on the annual assessment—has been used

as means to stop lawyers from defending

Falun Gong practitioners.

Attorney Chen Jiangang: “Every lawyer experiences

different circumstances.

You can imagine my situation, like many others,

with tremendous pressure.

To date, I have not received my lawyers’s license."

Despite the difficulties in life and trial, the attorneys insist

on defending the 12 Falun Gong practitioners.

Falun Gong practitioner Wang Xiulian entrusts

Attorney Chen Jiangang.

He indicates that it is the lawyer’s responsibility

to safeguard the dignity of law and justice, to speak

for the people and to safeguard their rights.

Chen Jiangang: “We cannot cope with the rape.

That means you may not hinder the violence,

but cannot be tamed by violence."

Two days prior to the hearing, the 11 lawyers gathered

in Benxi.

Attorney Tan Tianhao stated his call for justice on Weibo:

My oath is to be a righteous person, to uphold justice

and morality, and to defend the authorities’ rolling wheels

with my flesh.

As insignificant as my strength could be,

I will resist violence.

I will stand up and live!"

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Chen Jianming
