【禁聞】以反恐為名 大抓維族青年引眾議

















採訪編輯/唐音 後製/鍾元

Large-Scale Arrest of Young Uygurs In the Name of

Anti-terrorism Triggered Discussion.

After officially solving the Urumqi bombing case, the authorities

arrested more than 200 Uygur suspects in the name of

anti-terrorism, mainly young people.

There were two contiguous bombings with more than 200 deaths

within one month.

Let’s see the other views.

May 25, Xinjiang police implemented a zero clock arrest

plan in Hotan, Kashgar, Aksu.

According to the mainland report, the arrested so-called

terror suspects were mostly Uygurs born in the 80’s and 90’s.

The authorities claimed to round up 23 so-called gangs about

200 suspects and seize more than 200 pieces of

explosive devices.

Mainland human rights lawyer Sui Muqing: “how could more

than 200 suspects confess so suddenly?

It is incredible and absurd.

The majority of the arrested people might be guilty since the current

law is their final say.

I guess they arrested those people they worry a little usually with

an excuse which can only intensify conflict."

May 22 morning, bombings happened at the north street of Urumqi

Cultural Palace Park.

It was the second terrorist incident in Xinjiang within one month.

May 23, the authorities announced the bombings has been solved,

four suspects were killed and one arrested.

Since the case has been solved, how can they arrest more than

200 people so-called suspects on May 25?

The mainland Southern Street movement activist Ou Biaofeng:

“authoritarian and totalitarian logic is very absurd because

they see those people who are dissatisfied as suspects.

The authorities try to defend the regime and create a deterrent

effect by using violence against violence and large scale arrests

because everyone is the potential enemy of the regime."

Because the April 30 bombings happened on the last day

of Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s Xinjiang trip, the mainland official

media explained the killer planned it 8 days before Xi Jinping

went to Xinjiang.

The overseas Epoch Times News review article with the

by line Zi Ming blamed the recent multi-terrorist incidents

targeted at civilians on Chinese Communist Party (CCP) infighting.

As the article analyzed: " the killers might not be everyday people

Since they know Xi Jinping’s schedule even though Xi Jinping’s

whereabouts are a CCP secret."

Ou Biaofeng: “I think it’s very stupid to arrest around and

intensify the conflict because they didn’t seriously rethink the

national policy.

They try to use further violence to make people surrender in case

people awake.

The totalitarian creates panic in society so that everyone

is scared; it is the most evil side."

US Columbia University Political Science Dr. Li Tianxiao

commented: since 2009 7.5 incident, from Tiananmen Square

car bombings, to Kunming stabbing case, then the two successive

bombings in Urumqi plus many examples of military police bloody

repression and attack incidents, the CCP has reached the position

of impossible defense and the more opposition,

the more totalitarian it becomes.

He analyzed: CCP’s State terrorism in the name of anti-terrorism

accompanied by persecution and repression of innocent people

intensifies the people’s resistance.

The CCP further justifies repression against the people’s

resistance as terrorism and so forms a vicious cycle.

The mainland dissident Wang Zang: “they always use stability

maintenance to not solve the problem or listen to Uygur appeals.

They can unjustifiably arrest those suspects in their view to

frighten which can cause more conflict.

The purpose of extending repression is to maintain their regime’s stability."

Wang Zang believes that in the history of CCP campaigns no matter

whether the arrest of anti-rightist intellectuals, the repression of landlords,

capitalists, Mongolian or Tibetan people, there were always

thousands of people exposed to be killed or wrongfully arrested after

tens of years.

Wang Zang: “the totalitarian nature of communism is violence,

killing, hatred, class struggle.

Its evil nature decided it would not face value of life, dignity,

human rights or freedom.

Its genes decided it will always suppress, and maintain stability and


In April, Hong Kong Trends magazine revealed that the

CCP ordered Politburo member, standing committee of the

national people’s congress, National Political Consultative

Conference vice – president to wear domestic type 12 flak

jackets to visit Xinjiang or Tibet.

They were mocked as guilty little thieves.

Interview & Edit/Tang Yin Post-Production/Zhong Yuan
