








在大陸以外,「醫生反對強摘器官」(DAFOH) 國際組織,從去年7月開始也發起全球徵簽活動。到去年11月底,全球共有148萬7,828人聯署簽名。














採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/李智遠

The Power of Truth: Chinese People Stand Against Organ Harvesting Crimes

Exposure is growing about the Chinese Communist Party’s

(CCP) organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

Nearly 1.5 million people globally have signed a petition

calling for the CCP’s live organ harvesting practices to end.

In China, people have also started a wave of petitions,

and are demanding an investigation into these crimes.

In Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, as many

as 11,015 Chinese have signed a petition.

Let’s see our report.

Following persistent exposure and clarification

about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, more

Chinese people are becoming aware of these crimes.

A petition to end live organ harvesting

has rapidly spread across China.

In mid-December 2012, 310 people in China signed a

petition to end organ harvesting, and a call to investigate the

involvement of CCP officials Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai.

At the end of 2013, a further 6,259

people have also signed the petition.

During 2014, petitions against live organ

harvesting continue to grow inside China.

In Shijiazhuang City, over 11,000

people have supported the petition.

Upon learning about what was happening,

many people were shocked and angered.

They have not only signed the petition, but have also

denounced the CCP and its associated organizations.

Dr. Chen Shizhong, a Falun Gong human rights

representative, commented on what is happening.

As more people stand against live organ harvesting, former

CCP leader Jiang Zemin’s campaign of “inciting social hatred"

to maintain the persecution of Falun Gong begins to lose power.

Chen Shizhong, Falun Gong human rights

representative: “Jiang Zemin’s faction, along with

the CCP regime, suppress the society by dictatorship.

Information censorship has restricted people from knowing

these crimes, which have been conducted for many years."

Outside China, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting

(DAFOH) launched a global petition in July 2013.

By end of November, there were a total of 1,487,828

signatures that had been collected from around the world.

These signatures have had a huge impact.

On December 12, 2013, European

Parliament passed an emergency motion.

The motion called for the CCP to immediately

stop organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience,

of religious beliefs, and of ethnic minorities.

On March 5 this year, the Italian Senate Human

Rights Commission unanimously adopted a resolution.

This asked the Italian government to urge

the CCP to immediately release prisoners of

conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners.

It also called for a full investigation of the

CCP ‘s crime of live organ harvesting.

On February 26, the Illinois House of Representatives

unanimously passed the Illinois No. HR0730 motion.

It called for the CCP to immediately stop

the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

It strongly urged the U.S. government

to investigate organ transplants in China.

It also urged for an end to organ harvesting

from living Falun Gong practitioners.

Since March 2006, when evidence of organ harvesting in

China first came to light, many witnesses have indicated

that the order for these acts came from Jiang Zemin.

These witnesses include transplant doctors,

journalists, military doctors, and police officers

on guard during organ harvesting procedures.

Hon. David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary

of State for Asia-Pacific, and David Matas, a

senior international human rights lawyer have

conducted a series of independent investigations.

They have gathered 52 separate pieces of evidence that

indicates organ harvesting continues to exist in China today.

Investigations by Ethan Gutmann concluded that

approximately 65,000 Falun Gong practitioners

died from organ harvesting between 2000 and 2008.

Mr. Xu is a resident of Baoding City, Hebei Province.

He indicated that as a Chinese citizen, he

firmly opposes organ harvesting and strongly

opposes killing people to silence them.

Mr. Xu: “This is not just a matter of

Falun Gong, but one of humanity.

I do not practice Falun Gong, but

I am concerned about this matter.

Which ever party it is, you just

can’t conduct live organ harvesting."

Live organ harvesting is only part of the CCP’s crimes.

Hong Kong newspaper, Apple Daily, reported

in October 2012 about live organ harvesting.

It also indicated little known information that Bo Xilai’s

wife, Gu Kailai was directly involved in the operation

and establishment of a global network of organ sales.

Apple Daily also reported that the CCP had known

about Bo Xilai’s organ harvesting and trafficking.

When the Wang Lijun incident took place,

the regime quickly seized the plastination

facilities that are involved in these crimes.

After seeing the pictures of human specimens

exhibited overseas, people were shocked.

Ms. Wang, China: “They took the organs, from

living people, and now the people are dead.

But they continued to process the corpse into what

they called art for exhibitions, in order to make money.

Inhumane can’t even being describe to it.

This evilness can not be described."

Ms. Wang told NTD Televison that the

CCP has committed so many crimes.

From forced demolitions, forced disappearances,

to incarceration in mental hospitals and black jails.

Those responsible will have to face

the consequences of their actions.

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Song Feng Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
