【禁聞】斷腿局長外媒訴冤 卻不忘吹捧中共













採訪/朱智善 編輯/李謙 後製/李勇

The Brain Washed Official Who Walks With A Limp

The widespread corruption in China today has seriously

jeopardized the Communist regime.

Thus the regime has resorted to anti-corruption

to win over the people.

As a result, some officials have been sacked

during the anti-corruption campaign.

Recently, a regime deputy revealed to foreign media

his experience of detention and interrogation.

Despite the fact that due to torture his leg was broken

during detention, he touted the regime.

The following is our report.

In an interview with Associated Press (AP) on March 7,

Zhou Wangyan, land bureau director for the city

of Liling, Hunan, described the torture he endured during


Zhou Wangyan was detained for interrogation

on July 13, 2012.

In the 184 days of investigation, the torture he received

left him disabled for life with a broken left leg.

Detention for interrogation, which is the Communist regime’s

internal means designated for the questioning of cadres

at a specified time and place, has been kept top-secret

while operating outside of the state judiciary system.

Lan Su, commentator: “This type of interrogation

is to prevent political shock to the regime during

the investigation of the cadres."

Commentator Lan Su explains that all interests within

the corrupt regime are intertwined, thus any investigation

could lead to the involvement of more senior officials

and even the highest leadership, and subsequently shake

the regime ruling.

Any disclosure by the media will be hard to cover up.

The detention for interrogation is conducted with no media

coverage and no public judicial proceedings.

The entire investigation process is firmly in the hands

of the authorities, and the release of the case

is at the discretion of the regime.

Lan Su: “Everything is prearranged as to who

will be protected from legal prosecution,

and what type of evidence to be presented.

Once it reaches the court, everything becomes a plot."

Accordingly, Zhou Wangyan refused to admit

to the bribery which he was suspected of.

He was then secretly sent to the “Education Base

for Clean Governance and Anti-Corruption”

at Qiaotoubao, where he was tortured.

Zhou Wangyan was questioned by four interrogators

who tortured him in an effort to extract a confession,

to please then Liling Municipal Secretary, Jiang Yongqing.

In one account, they forced his legs open until finally

his left leg was broken.

He pleaded with the interrogators and told them

his leg was broken.

Out of negligence, they continued the torture.

Zhou Wangyan told AP that, “he was deprived of sleep

and food, that he nearly drowned, was whipped with wires

and forced to eat excrement.”

The official did not confirm AP’s request.

Liling officials claimed that Zhou slipped in the bathroom,

injured himself, and was then treated in a timely manner.

Zhou Wangyan, a party official, became a petitioner

in Beijing this January.

Despite the fact that he is still walking on crutches,

Zhou touted and spoke highly of the CCP in the AP interview.

Ren Baiming, commentator: “People like him, with that

state of mind, have been brainwashed.

We call it the “Party culture.”

He is completely embedded in the doctrines of the CCP."

Ren Baiming stresses that the CCP brainwashing

has indoctrinated the many Chinese to rely on the CCP

as their only hope for justice, unknowingly committing

crimes themselves, and forgetting the true meaning of life.

They engage in corruption whenever opportunities arise,

but also complain after being punished or ill treated.

Unable to reflect on the fundamental reasons, but rather

seeking help from the CCP,

they simply swim out into deeper troubled water.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/LiQian Post-Production/LiYong
