【禁聞】500萬才放人﹗ 濟南警勒索錄音曝光


【新唐人2014年02月24日訊】自從中共前黨魁江澤民發動對法輪功的殘酷迫害以來,無數法輪功學員被抓捕、受盡非人折磨。這其中,經濟上的敲詐勒索也越發變本加厲。最近,山東濟南的一名警察公然向法輪功學員親友進行500萬的天價勒索,並威脅說:他「叫她生她就生,叫她亡她就亡。」 下面請看報導。




仲宮派出所警察米光亮:「這個人(柴迪雲)確實是個好人。就那麼一句話,我就可以把她釋放。現在共產黨社會,你也知道。我要經濟補償,沒有經濟補償我是不會釋放她的。五百萬。你也別說我太黑、太貪、太婪, 小柴(柴迪雲)我想讓她生她就生,但是我想讓她亡,她可能在濟南就一輩子出不來。」









採訪/朱智善 編輯/李謙 後製/李智遠

Jinan Police Blackmail: 5 Million Yuan or Death

Since former leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Jiang Zemin launched the brutal persecution of Falun Gong, countless Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested and subject to inhuman torture. Among these, monetary extortion has also increasingly got serious. A recent tape recording shows a Jinan police officer publicly extorted 5 million yuan from an illegally detained Falun Gong practitioner’s family and friends. He threatened, “I decide if she’ll live or die.” The following is our report.

On Feb. 20, the New York based World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), reported a CCP policeman illegally arrested a Falun Gong practitioner and extorted from the victim’s family and friends.

It is reported that on the Chinese New Year’s Eve, Falun Gong practitioner Chai Diyun from Jinan city, Shandong Province, was illegally arrested and detained by Jinan police. The police refused to release Chai Diyun, and allowed no visitors until after the sentencing.

Chai Diyun’s overseas relatives phoned the police in charge, Mi Guangliang, and demanded her release. The police officer Mi Guangliang blackmailed on the phone saying that he, as the director of the local police station, has the right to release Chai. He will only do so on the monetary reward of 5 million yuan.

Mi Guangliang, Jinan police officer (tape recording): “This person (Chai Diyun) is indeed a good person. I can release her easily. You understand the Communist society. I want compensation, to release her, five million yuan. Don’t say that I am too greedy. I decide if she lives. If I decide she’ll die, she could stay here for the rest of her life."

When Chai Diyun’s family and friends asked Mi Guangliang to release her unconditionally, Mi Guangliang claimed that he had thought it out clearly and demanded a deposit in his bank account of at least one million yuan.

Mi Guangliang (tape recording): “The money is worth nothing, but the life is worthwhile. If you want her to live, certainly you’ll be able to come up with the money. Any amount less than one million is non-negotiable."

According to a report by Minghui.org, since mid January, local police station of Jinan city had abducted Falun Gong practitioners Xu Yanjiang, Liu Xinmei, and Chai Diyun. The police claimed their arrest was due to their activities to post banners such as ‘Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion,-Tolerance is good’, ‘Heaven demise the CCP; Withdraw from the CCP to safeguard your life’.

Zhu Keming, the first Falun Gong practitioner to file a lawsuit against former CCP leader Jiang Zemin: “They persecute the innocent people and blackmail the victim for 5 million yuan. What a sky-high price, and what extortion. In fact, this is such a typical persecution to many of the Falun Gong practitioners. It happened to nearly all of us. Of course, not everyone was extorted with 5 billion yuan, but it happened with a fundamental reason."

In 1999, former CCP leader Jiang Zemin violated the Constitution and launched a brutal persecution of Falun Gong. He ordered the genocidal policy against Falun gong practitioners: Slander, bankrupt, and kill them.

Zhu Keming is a Falun Gong practitioner from Hong Kong. He was the first Chinese to file a lawsuit against former CCP leader Jiang Zemin. He used to own a company in China with nearly 100 employees, and a patent in exhaust hoses. His lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong and Luo Gan for their illegal and unconstitutional persecution of Falun Gong had brought him secret arrest and detention by the CCP.

Zhu Keming: “I had a company and plant in Beijing, owning assets of hundreds of millions of yuan in equipment, inventory, trademarks and patents. It is not a description, but the fact. I came out of China with zero, nada, zilch."

The WOIPFG was established in 2003. The mission of the organization openly invites and seeks support from individuals and institutions of global social conscience, and plays a coordinating role in the effort to investigate – broadly, thoroughly, and systematically – all instances of criminal conduct on the part of individuals, institutions, and organizations involved in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Li Qian Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
