

【新唐人2014年01月18日訊】日前,美國國會一個委員會舉行了一場聽證會,重點討論中共當局如何與周邊國家爭奪水資源。委員會主席羅拉巴克甚至批評說,中共常常惡意操縱水資源,以達到政治恐嚇的目地。 聽證會上還有證人指出, 雖然世界上有許多共享水資源的協議,但是中共在這個問題上,不願意與其它國家進行協商。





旅美政論家伍凡:「中國採取對鄰國,資源幾乎壟斷的政策。因為中國的地理優勢是,從西藏高原下來的水,幾條大江。現在中共控制了西藏高原的水源頭,它要充份利用。 中國會不會為水跟南部國家打仗,現在很難預料。」



近年來,由於洪災、旱災更加頻繁的出現,中國國內的水糾紛事件也愈演愈烈。 數據顯示,目前中國人均水資源量為2,100立方米,約為全球平均水平的28%。






同時,他觀察到, 北京的自來水有30%以上是在管道裡漏掉,但是當局並不去解決這個問題,因為這並不能增加GDP。

張峻峰:「北京市的政府層面,出臺了比較嚴格的關於水資源使用的一些措施,但我覺得力度還是遠遠不夠, 還是遠遠達不到對水資源遏制、過度使用的狀況。」


採訪/陳漢 編輯/王子琦 後製/李勇

U.S. Congress Hearing: the CCP Maliciously Manipulates Water Resources

Recently, a subcommittee of U.S. Congress held

a public hearing regarding the Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) authority’s aggression towards

surrounding countries over water resources.

Dana Rohrabacher, the chairperson of the subcommittee,

criticized the CCP authority’s malicious manipulation

of water resources for the purpose of political intimidation.

Maura Moynihan, a witness at the hearing, pointed out that

although there are many agreements in place between certain

nations regarding the sharing water resources, the CCP

is unwilling to negotiate on this topic with other countries.

On Jan. 16 Voice of America (VOA) reported on the hearing’s

topic, “the Potential Geopolitical Threats of Water Resources"

sponsored by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs’

Subcommittee on European, Eurasia and Emerging Threats.

Subcommittee Chairman Rohrabacher,

a republican lawmaker, says that the world should watch

the CCP’s control of water resources.

He says that many people may not be clear about the fact

that water resources can be maliciously manipulated

for the purpose of material and political intimidation.

The CCP authority often uses such means.

Democrat Representative William Keating mentioned

that during the past 70 years, 37 violent incidents have

ensued due to water resource disputes, however 300 water

resource agreements have been signed around the world.

But witness Maura Moynihan pointed out that the CCP

developed Tibet’s natural resources on a large-scale,

constructed railways, and built upstream dams on the rivers

running into South Asia and South East Asia.

She thinks, despite many successful cases of resolved water

disputes via negotiation, the CCP authority is unwilling

to negotiate the use of Tibetan water resources

with any pertinent downstream countries.

U.S.-based Chinese political commentator Wu Fang:

“China implements a policy of monopolizing resources

without care of surrounding countries.

China has a geographic advantage in that several major rivers

originate from a Tibetan plateau.

Now the CCP controls the origin of water

at the Tibetan plateau and uses them.

It is hard to predict whether China will fight for water

resources with those countries to its south."

In 2011, U.S. intelligence agencies predicted that

in the next decade, many countries relevant to U.S.

will suffer water shortage, water quality deterioration

and other issues.

Keating believes disputes resulting from water resources

are inevitable, but that they can be solved with negotiation

and cooperation.

Beijing nongovernmental water expert and water pollution

prevention volunteer Zhang Junfeng: “As a country,

(the CCP) should not only be able to consider its own

economic development, it should be able to be more

considerate of the changes in surrounding countries

and the entire world.

However, in my opinion, I doubt that the administrative level

and decision-making level of the CCP authority

has a relatively clear understanding of this situation."

In recent years, due to more frequent floods and droughts,

water resource disputes in China have intensified.

Data shows that China’s per capita water resources average

at around 2,100 cubic meters, 28 percent of the global average.

Wu Fan: “Waste of water in China is very serious,

unreasonable use of water is out of control.

The use of fertilizer, pesticide, as well as the land and water

pollution causes unusable water in many regions.

This produces water scarcity,

and the fundamental reason is the regime."

Last year, the CCP authority issued the results

of the National Water Resources Census, which shows

that since the 1990s 28,000 rivers in the official database

have disappeared and less than 23,000 rivers remain.

But the reason for such a huge number of disappearing rivers

is not given by the census.

U.S.-based Chinese lawyer and writer Gordon Chang

publicly criticizes the CCP for poor management of water

resources for such a long period of time, which has resulted

in a crisis.

German-based Chinese ecologist Dr Wang Weiluo

pointed out that many Chinese water resource problems

were anthropogenically produced.

Taking Beijing as an example, Wang Weiluo says many

Chinese experts state Beijing had the most serious water

shortage in China, but historically Beijing was a city with

rich water resources.

In the past the water from Yongding River could supply

Beijing with 1.5 to 2.0 billion cubic meters of water annually.

However, after the CCP seized power, Beijing began to build

increasingly more reservoirs following the Soviet Union.

Because reservoirs expand the water surface area,

evaporation correspondingly increases.

At the same time, he observed, 30 percent of running water

in Beijing has leaked out of pipelines,

but local authorities do not attempt to solve the issue

because they cannot increase the GDP.

Zhang Junfeng: “Beijing Municipal Government issued

more stringent measures regarding water usage, but I think

the enforcement is far from sufficient,

over-use of water resources has not been contained."

Wang Weiluo, who has visited many countries,

says that there are no other countries like China

that pollute and waste water under the circumstances

of a water shortage.

In order to pursue money, the CCP chooses to destroy

the country’s living environment.

The CCP does not understand respect of mother nature,

nor respect of heaven and love for the land.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/WangZiqi Post-Production/LiYong
