【禁聞】為乘客安全 美建議民航通報計劃


【新唐人2013年12月02日訊】自從中共宣佈「東海防空識別區」後,包括美國在內的多個國家,刻意派遣軍機飛越這個區域,卻沒有遭到中方的干擾。美方表示,雖然不承認中共單方面設定的「東海防空識別區」 ,但為了民用航空飛機乘客的安全,仍建議飛越識別區的民航客機遵守中方規定。而外界認為,中共為了政局穩定,打出民族主義的政治牌,設立所謂的「防空識別區」,卻有可能因為實力不夠,而成為空包彈。














採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

U.S. Commercial Flights Entering East China Sea Air Zone Recommended to Notify China for Safety

Since China’s declaration of the air defense identification

zone, or ADIZ, countries such as U.S. have sent multiple

military flights over the region without resistance from Beijing.

The U.S. State Department indicates

that U.S. commercial airlines are advised

to notify Chinese authorities (CCP) before

entering the ADIZ for the sake of safety.

The ADIZ is criticized as serving as a political

card in the name of nationalism, and exists like

a blank cartridge, due to insufficient strength.

The East China Sea ADIZ overlaps with ADIZ boundaries

from other countries, such as Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

Beijing insists that aircraft comply with their regulations,

or they will meet with “defensive emergency measures.”

Following the notice, U.S., Korean and Japanese air

forces have entered the area, without advance notice.

Recently, the U.S. commercial airlines have been

advised to notify Chinese authorities before

entering China’s ADIZ, over the East China Sea.

However, this does not mean that the U.S.

government accepted CCP requirements.

Wen Zhao, political and defense commentator: “When

China issued the ADIZ area, the U.S. government has

suggested carriers to do what they think is appropriate.

Now, it’s even clearer that it is

for the safety of the passengers.”

Since the CCP announced the ADIZ over

the East China Sea on November 23, many

countries have expressed their opposition.

U.S., Korea, and Japan have deliberately

sent warplanes over the region in protest.

The Philippines has also publicly opposed Beijing’s ADIZ.

The Philippines Foreign Ministry spokesman

also said that, “it transforms an entire air

zone into China’s domestic air space.

That is an infringement, and

compromises civil aviation safety.”

According to the Chinese military, there has been a total

of 12 Japanese and U.S aircraft, detected in 9 incidents,

entering the East China Sea ADIZ without informing Beijing.

Xia Ming, political science professor, City University

of New York: “One major mistake of the East China

Sea ADIZ is that all aircraft are subject to its regulation.

That means regular flights between Japan

and Korea are also under the regulation.”

German Zeit Online published an article analyzing

why Beijing is behaving aggressively in East Asia.

The reason are a dangerous mixture

of nationalism and domestic politics.

It is speculated that the new Chinese leadership,

with an aggressive outward habit, wants to flank

larger socio-economic changes within the country.

However, the danger for China is that it

will soon have only enemies in the region.

Xia Ming: “This could be a major initiative of

the state security committee since its inception.

It will serve the committee as

propaganda on its rising power.

Political nationalism will enable its

legitimacy in controlling domestic politics.”

Many countries have their air defense identification zones.

But, why does the Chinese regimes ADIZ draw opposition?

An article in Hong Kong’s South

China Morning Post commented.

The Chinese regime rules a powerful, rising

country, with a totally different social system, and

a history of confrontation with other countries.

It will never be able to make up the differences in politics

and military, no matter how well the economy develops.

Reuters reported that if China tries to enforce the rules

of the ADIZ, it’s military could struggle to cope with the

demands of intensified surveillance and interception.

Chris Wu, chief editor, China Affairs magazine:

“Its strength is far from enough, with a distance

of nearly 800 kilometer from the coastline.

The aircraft will need refuelling halfway, otherwise,

it won’t reach the farthest side of the ADIZ region.

Also, they need more radar equipment,

or it’s like a blank cartridge.”

China’s East China Sea ADIZ is said to

be roughly two-thirds the size of the UK.
