【禁聞】日韓戰機飛越防空區 中共無反應


【新唐人2013年11月29日訊】日韓戰機飛越防空區 中共無反應







信訪副局長被查 民籲取消信訪制度




上海數千人示威 高喊打倒韓正


訪民們手拿「冤」字,打出「譴責暴力討還公道」 等標語,並高喊「打倒韓正、打倒貪官、打倒腐敗、還我家園、還我自由、還我人權」等口號。



South Korean And Japanese Military Aircraft

Enter Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone

Following two US B-52 bombers flying over the Communist

regime’s unilaterally decided Air Defense Identification Zone

(ADIZ), both Japanese and South Korean fighters entered

the ADIZ also without advance notice to Beijing.

Japanese officials said their government was “conducting

surveillance activities as usual even after the Chinese


South Krean military said it conducted a surveillance

flight through the zone.

Japanese Asahi Shimbun reported on the 28th citing the

Ministry of Defense saying: “No response was detected."

Japan’s airlines have also bowed to a government request

to stop filing flight plans demanded by China on routes

through the ADIZ area.

South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo also reported on the 28th, that

South Korean Defense Ministry will continue surveillance

flights through the zone “without informing the Chinese

authorities" as they will not recognize Beijing’s new zone.

South Korea’s airlines have also decided to comply with the

South Korean government’s policy, and stop submitting

flight schedules to Beijing from the 28th.

Deputy Director of Petition Office Is Being Investigated

The Communist regime announced on Nov. 28, that deputy

director of State Bureau for Letters and Calls, Xu Jie, is being

investigated for alleged violation of discipline.

On the same day, two other deputy directors of the office said,

the petition reform will implement an online petition system

to avoid personal conflicts during the process.

They neglected problems of petition backlog and black jails.

Deutsche Welle reported, Chinese activist Zhou Li believed

the petition should be abolished because it is a contradiction

to the rule of law.

She indicated, should the judicial fairness and justice exist,

there would not be any need for petitions.

Chinese petitioners also believe the petition office should be

completely closed, because of their bad deeds creating

countless injustices and taking many innocent prisoners.

Thousands of Petitioners in Shanghai

Want to Remove Han Zheng

On Nov. 27, thousands of petitioners protested outside

Shanghai City Hall.

They were demanding the release of Wang Kouma

and Wei Qin, who have been mistakenly imprisoned,

and pursuing justice for petitioner Shen Yong,

who was allegedly beaten to death.

Holding banners stating, “Injustice" and “Condemn violence

and pursue justice", petitioners shouted slogans:

“Down with Han Zheng (the Communist Party Chief and

former Mayor of Shanghai)", “Overthrow corrupt officials",

“Defeat corruption", “Give me back my land", “Give me

back my freedom", and “Give me back my rights".

Large numbers of police were at the scene on alert and

expelled petitioners repeatedly.

