【禁聞】三中全會閉幕後 中國股市動盪不安




會議宣佈設置由習近平、李克強控制的「國家安全委員會」和「深化改革領導小組」, 強調「完善國家安全體制和國家安全戰略」。









採訪/陳漢 編輯/黃億美 後製/鍾元

Chinese Stocks Stumble on The Closing of The Third Plenum

Following the end of the Third Plenary Session of the Chinese

Communist Party, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets

both fell by about 2%, the lowest in the past 7 weeks.

This seems to signal that investors are discouraged by the

politics and economy in China.

On the 14th, the weak rebound and the slow rising of the

Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index indicated

the overall cautious market.

Following the four-day closed-door meeting of the third plenum,

CCP leaders Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang gave their first

statement from the highest power organ.

The communiqué of the Third Plenum declares that the CCP

will set up a central leading team for “comprehensively

deepening reform".

The country will establish a state security committee,

improving systems and strategies to ensure national security.

The previous high-profile hype on the state media regarding

sensitive issues of justice, state-owned enterprises and land

did not make a ripple in the meeting.

The announcement’s lack of determined and substantive

talk on reform in the financial sectors and state-owned

enterprises led the market to stumble from lack of confidence.

Wall Street Journal reported that China shares ended lower

on the 13th after the Third Plenum “offered investors

vaguely worded plans only,

and CCP leaders have failed to address issues

that investors expected to be addressed.

The Shanghai Composite Index dropped 1.83% to 2,087.94

at the close, the lowest in the past 3 months.

The Shenzhen Component Index on the Shenzhen Stock

Exchange fell 2.03%, and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index

fell 1.9%.

The WSJ Chinese report quoted China Yinsheng Wealth

Management chief strategist Matthew Kwok who says

he thinks that the Third Plenum has disappointed the market.

A large number of HKex Bull Contracts have been sold at the

strike price of 22,400 to 22,600,

which has further increased the market pressure.

Ma Jiesen, NTD’s economy specialist: “China’s economy

has no hope for its future if it’s problems are not resolved.

To certain extent, the disappointing Third Plenary Session

shows China’s disappointing economic future.

The falling market just represents how the world is showing

their lack of the confidence in the future (of China)."

There was slight rebound on the 14th,

and the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index rose slightly.

Security, defense, and information stocks were active,

while oil and gas, finance and electricity were poor performers.

The Third Plenum communiqué informs that China will stick

to the dominant role of public ownership, playing the leading

role of the state-owned economy.

Yang Bin, economist: “These are clichés.

But they also emphasize that state-owned enterprises will take

the leading role to control and determine the economy.

We’re all aware of the efficiency of the state-owned enterprises.

The employment rate of state-owned enterprises is very low.

Everyone stays there once they get in, and we know who gets in.

He (Xi Jinping) wants to increase the vitality of state-owned


All of the state-owned enterprises have occupied large assets

in locals. People are surely disappointed."

Reuters reported that while the CCP had issued more details

with the end of the Third Plenum, the report’s lack of detail

“also made clear that it had no plans to radically

reduce the role of the state in the economy."

It is said that “some reforms still face stiff resistance from

powerful interest groups" and “heated debates"

during the closed-door meeting.

Interview/ChanHan Edit/HuangYimei Post-production/ZhongYuan
