【禁聞】《百度》被多家網站起訴 索賠3億





大陸知識產權律師 李新淼:「如果只是暫時鏈接的,可能《騰訊》只要通知他一下,把他刪掉就OK了,如果是從《百度》他專門有一個視頻的視窗,內容甚麼都有的話,我認為他肯定是侵權的,這沒得說的了。(索賠)額度很高的話,可能是說因為《百度》影響特別廣。」











時事評論員 林子旭:「說《百度》為了賺錢可以放棄任何道德原則,一點也不誇張。它的搜索引擎能搜出甚麼、不能搜出甚麼,要看中共的眼色的。」




採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

300 Million RMB of Claims Against Baidu for Piracy

Ten copyright companies, based both in China

and overseas, as well as several Chinese web

video suppliers have issued a “Declaration for

Allied Anti-Piracy Actions for Chinese Web Video".

It states that Baidu and QVOD have been sued for

copyright infringements, with claims of 300 million RMB.

Sohu Video and and Youku Tudou where at

one time battling each other on issues of piracy.

They have now united with many video platforms,

including Tencent Video and LeTV, as well as the

China Film Copyright Association, the Motion Picture

Association of America, and a Japanese agency.

They are collectively suing Baidu on a count of over

100 piracy cases, and claiming for 300 million RMB.

The joint media release highlights that there are four Baidu

web services that are alleged to have been involved.

These are the video search, film and audio,

video APP and Film Integrated Player Stick.

The main allegations are that video weblinks

provided by third party websites are stolen,

and offered on Baidu platforms to it’s users.

Baidu is accused of false high click and browsing rates,

and playing more than ten thousand unauthorized videos.

These videos are protected by mobile copyright.

Li Xinmiao, Mainland intellectual property laywer:

“If these stolen web links are temporary, and

if Tencent informs Baidu, who subsequently

removes the links, then this should be okay.

However, if Baidu offers a particular video website,

with all sorts of video services, then, in my opinion,

there is little doubt that Baidu has infringed copyright.

The high compensation request might

be due to Baidu’s large number of users."

In addition, Baidu is suspected of infringing

the web dissemination rights of other parties.

From today, Baidu’s video search service

and video extraction service are both blocked.

China Youku Tudou Group’s Youku

service is a large video sharing website.

Mr Yao Jian, is the Chief Technical Officer at Youku,

and spoke to Chinese state media on this issue.

Although Youku Tudou has set up Robots Protocol

for blocking Baidu’s video search, Baidu still enables

its users to forcibly extract video files from Youku.

Zhang Chaoyang is the Board

Chairman and CEO of Sohu Group.

Zhang told Taiwan-based Central News Agency that this is

the toughest situation for China’s video industry since 2009.

This is especially due to monopolistic mega-website

piracy, and copyright infringements on a massive scale.

Zhang Chaoyang: “We cannot

go on competing with each other.

In a place where theft and piracy prevail,

law-abiding people have no way to survive."

Many said that they had no way of

tolerating aggravated piracy from Baidu.

On November 14, Chinese web video sharing pltaform “Ku6″,

together with 20 other enterprises, held a Beijing symposium.

This highlighted new trends in intellectual property

protection with cyber video and audio plugins.

In recent years, there have been continuous

reports of Baidu infringing copyright laws.

In September of 2005, Warner Music, and seven other

companies, alleged Baidu MP3 service infringed copyrights.

A claim was lodged for 1.67 million RMB, and Baidu lost.

In January 2008, China Music Copyright Association made

claims against Baidu MP3 service worth 1.06 million RMB.

The allegations were that 50 songs were

used on the service without permission.

On June 10 of that year, digital music website

Recreation Base made claims against Baidu MP3

service for using their products without authorization.

In January 2011, 27 musicians, including Wu Mengqi and

Thirteen Months Music Company, sent a solicitors letter.

The letter accused Baidu MP3 of using 137 original songs

without permission, and made claims for 6.85 million RMB.

On March 15 that year, 50 Chinese writers, including

Han Han, published “The Paper of Chinese Writers

Denouncing Baidu on Consumer Rights Protection Day."

It accused Baidu Wenku of copyright infringement.

“Super Vulgar Butcher", Chinese netizen: “After Google quit

from Mainland China, Baidu has performed like a hooligan.

It has no commercial morality. It is a very bad company.

Because the Government protects it, most of the

time we cannot manage to stop such villainy."

Lin Zixu, political commentator: “If we say Baidu

gave up a basic moral foundation for the sake

of making money, this is not an exaggeration.

What its search engine can offer or cannot offer all

depends on Chinese Communist Party’s guidance."

Further, Lin suggests that Baidu being accused

by many big brand companies is very interesting.

Baidu had a very delicate relationship with the CCP.

On November 13 of November,

Baidu stock prices fell by 1.4%.

A Chinese scholar commented that if the lawsuit

plaintiffs won, then Baidu’s performance

in the stock exchange will be heavily hit.
