【禁聞】俄日討論亞太安全 中媒否認被忽略















採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Japan-Russia 2-Plus-Two Meeting Aims At China

On November 2, Japan and Russia held its first “two-plus-two

strategic talks" in Tokyo.

Observers speculate that it shows the two sides’ cooperation

in dealing with emerging Chinese threats.

Japan and Russia have a 57-year relationship.

Because of territorial disputes, they never signed

a postwar peace treaty.

Thus the historical meeting draws extreme concerns of many.

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, Defense Minister

Itsunori Onodera and their Russia counterparts, Serge Lavrov

and Sergei Shoigu attended the meeting.

The two nations agreed to develop search-and-rescue

exercises, conduct joint anti-terrorism and counter-piracy

exercises between Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force

and the Russia Navy, and enhance security cooperation.

It is the third foreign and defense ministers’ framework

for Japan following those with the US and Australia.

The US and Japan jointly made a statement regarding

security cooperation in a meeting held in early October.

Commentators say that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

had persuaded Russian President Vladimir Putin to send its

foreign and defense ministers to attend a meeting in Tokyo

and negotiate relevant issues, indicating that Abe is important

in Putin’s view, thus the two sides easily set the form

of the strategic talks.

Wu Fan, US-based political commentator: “The US-Japan

foreign and defense ministers’ talks is unprecedented.

In the 2+2 meeting, territorial disputes weren’t mentioned,

but there was talk about bilateral cooperation

and establishment of an Asia-Pacific Security system.

The system excluded China, and is obviously aimed at China.

This result is unexpected, it is even beyond

China’s imagination."

This time Russia suggested an establishment of a new policy

within the Asia-Pacific Security framework.

However, Russia didn’t announce the new

diplomatic policy in Beijing, but rather in Tokyo.

The Chinese state-run media denied the Japan-Russia talks

are aimed at China.

Xinhua website published an article “Japan, Russia

hold ‘two-plus-two’ meetings which repeatedly hit the wall."

Voice of America (VOA) reported that Russian foreign

minister Lavrov talked positively at the end of the meeting

about Abe’s idea of making Japan a proactive contributor

to peace.

Lavrov also revealed some details about their bilateral talks.

Lavrov said this is precisely why Russia has been pressing for

the establishment of a new architecture in the Asia-Pacific

Region that would rely on non-bloc principles and the idea

that no country shall maintain its own security

at the expense of others.

In addition, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu

said that the two sides will have more contact and interaction,

including the General Staff’s of Armed Forces.

Shoigu added that the two sides’ leaders, including defense

ministers will meet regularly in the future.

The BBC Chinese website reported that the Japan-Russia

talks are to strengthen security cooperation to restrain China.

VOA said that compared with China,

Russia has less wariness to Japan.

Russia welcomes Japanese investment more.

After the Fukushima nuclear accident, some Russian

politicians even praised the Japanese as model citizens.

They welcome the Japanese to live in Siberia.

Japan-Russia “two-plus-two" talks include Japanese

defense strategy, Japan-Russia defense cooperation,

the missile defense system, the China-North Korea issue,

as well as the Syrian situation.
