【禁聞】星巴克PK大陸物價 百姓更在乎哪個?












有網民質問中共為何不揭露中國國企壟斷,偏要針對外企﹔有網民指責當局不顧社會民生,只會轉移民眾視線, 更有網民作詩諷刺:「咖啡誠可貴,房子價更高。拿鐵非我愛,央視何其討?」


採訪編輯/ 張天宇 後製/陳建銘

Which One Do Chinese People Care About More?

Starbuck Or China’s Prices?

CCTV’s lengthy report accusing Starbucks of overpricing

its coffee is being widely criticized by the pubic.

Economic and marketing experts criticized CCTV online

that its argument is “unprofessional and unfair."

Netizens also question why the authorities ignore

overpricing of livelihood items.

Such as housing prices, oil, telecommunications, etc.

and only target foreign enterprises.

On October 20, Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s CCTV

broadcast a report of up to 20 minutes.

This compared the selling prices of Starbucks coffee in

Beijing, London, Chicago, and Mumbai.

It concluded that the price of a cup of latte is the highest in

Beijing at 27 yuan, nearly double the price in Mumbai,

and nearly a third higher than in the U.S.

CCTV concludes that Starbucks has “price discrimination"

toward Chinese consumers.

The report states the material cost of a cup of Starbucks latte

is less than 5 yuan and that Starbucks’ profit margin

is much higher in China than in Europe and the U.S.

This view is being criticized and refuted by experts.

Pang Core Pacific Yamaichi Securities Research analyst

Guo Liang: “From the economics point of view,

we cannot simply look at its gross margin, because there are

many costs behind the scene, such as marketing.

Advertising cost is not included into gross margin.

So it is unfair to say it seeks high profit based on gross margin.

You need to look at other costs- price of the shops, labor,

advertisement, etc."

On October 22, Reuters quoted Starbucks China and APAC

President Culver’s response: the price of Starbucks latte in

China is indeed higher than in the U.S, but the profit margin

of Starbucks’ 1,000 cafe shops are not higher than in the U.S.

Culver said Starbucks coffee shops in China are much larger

because most Chinese customers stay in for several hours,

while 80% of U.S. customers get their coffee and leave.

So customer turnover rate is much lower than Europe and U.S

Starbucks spokesman spoke to Wall Street Journal

in September 2013 that prices vary by market.

In China, customers like spacious stores with more seating.

The cost of such type of store is high, which pushes up prices.

In July 2013, Starbucks’ first store in China – Beijing

Guomao Store was forced to relocate due to high rent.

The store’s rent and labor costs exceeded 7 million yuan,

while Starbucks average revenue per stores in Asia

is only 500 million yuan.

Financial analysts Ren Zhongdao: “In addition to soaring

rental, China’s heavy tax burden is considered the biggest

transaction costs, on top of layers of logistics and transport

costs, cumbersome procedures to open up a store.

There are also black-box operation and

bureaucratic procedures.

All these additional costs enterprises pay in China

eventually go to the consumers.

The biggest promoter of the high price is the CCP itself."

In fact, not just Starbucks, “Wall Street Journal" reports also

pointed out that a lot of commodity prices in China are far

more than many other countries. Considering the income

differences, this price difference is even more apparent.

Some netizens questioned why CCTV chose foreign

companies instead of state-owned monopoly.

Some netizens accused the authorities of ignoring people’s


Some even wrote an ironic poem: “Coffee price is indeed

high, house price is much higher; Latte is not what I love,

Why does CCTV choose it as target? “

An unauthenticated online account named “Starbucks" said:

“… if the government can control prices of basic necessities,

if medical costs can be strictly managed, if corruption can be

reduced, if air quality is getting better and better,

if people do not need to worry about food security…”

“When CCTV has too much time, it can talk about Starbucks!"

NTD Reporter Zhang Tianyu
