【禁聞】唐吉田終被釋放 再揭中共司法黑暗
















採訪編輯/田淨 後製/李勇

Lawyer Tang Jitian Released from detention, Exposed Darkness Of Judiciary

On Oct 22, human rights lawyer Tang Jitian was released

after being illegally held for five days.

Tang says his detention was due to retaliation by the regime.

He says that he will continue to help people in need.

Tang Jitian was released on Oct.22, at 8.40am.

Tang: “I was released this morning at 8.40 am.

On Oct. 18 police sent me to room No.9of the labor camp.

In that room, there were eight beds for 15 people to use.

Water dripped constantly from the roof, the room was damp,

dark and cold, sometimes Id wake up freezing.

I didn’t eat my first meal because I was sick.

Then I was sent to room No.11."

Tang and Yang Kaicheng went to Jixi 610 Office

in Heilongjiang requesting the release of Falun Gong practitioner,

Yang’s wife, Yu Jinfeng.

The police detained Tang and Yang for 5 days.

Allegedly for the crime of “disturbing office order".

The incident triggered many lawyers’ protests.

Dozens of lawyers went to the local police station

requesting the release of the detainees.

Dozens of netizens from different cities

also joined the protests.

Because Tang defended Falun Gong cases, in 2010,

his lawyer license was revoked.

In 2011, Tang was secretly arrested by Beijing police

and brutally tortured.

Tang has suffered from tuberculosis ever since.

Tang says that before he was sent to the detention center,

a health examination found his lung had a shadow.

Yang Kaicheng was examined having high blood pressure.

The detention center initially refused the pair of them,

but Domestic Security Division (DSD)

enforced their detainment.

Tang: “I think Jixi 610 Office and the police station, especially

DSD, once challenged of their corruption and violation

of law, become angry thus retaliating.

DSD are are regulars at the breaching of law."

During the five days of Tang’s detention, netizens exposed the

corruption of Liu Suoxing, Jixi chief prosecutor and Li Fu,

party secretary of Jixi District.

Netizens also disclosed that the local forced labor camp

uses many unlicensed vehicles.

Lawyer Zhang Keke: “Unlicensed vehicles came in

and out of the labor camp constantly.

We called emergency service number 110, the police went

there but did not dare to investigate and turned away.

Now we are collecting evidence by ourselves."

In recent years, lawyers were repeatedly suppressed.

Tang’s case triggered other lawyers and citizens initiating

A campaign of “Restore the Rights of Conscience Lawyers".

Lawyer Xie Yanyi: “Many lawyers encountered the persecution.

Generally speaking, they bravely take the lead against

dictatorship, in order to help vulnerable groups

according to the law.

They offended those officials in power,

thus they were suppressed."

Xie Yanyi says that human rights lawyers,

vulnerable groups and citizens are one body,

hence people voluntarily went to support.

Tang Jitian expresses his gratitude to all the people

who give support and are concerned for his wellbeing.

He vows to continue his support for ALL those in need.
