【禁聞】九號文件開倒車 紐時:習近平陷泥沼
















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/陳建銘

“Document No. 9″: Exposed Secret Warning Indicates Chinese Regime On Verge of Collapse

The New York Times recently reveals that Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) cadres, at internal meetings,

have listened to a secretive top-level warning.

They were told that the CCP will lose its ruling power

if it doesn’t eradicate seven major subversive currents.

The memo, called “Document No. 9″, lists “western

constitutional democracy" as the first of seven dangers.

Other cover the “universal values" of human rights.

China’s intellectuals think that if the CCP goes against

these historical trends, it will provoke public resistance.

The CCP will end, falling into the abyss.

The New York Times’ article, dated August 20, says

“Document No. 9″ has been conveyed in compulsory

study sessions among CCP cadres across China.

The study session is reported on a local

government website in Hunan Province.

Cheng Xinping, Vice Propaganda Chief, Hengyang

city in Hunan, spoke at a meeting for mining officials.

He said that, “preaching Western constitutional

democracy is trying to deny the CCP leadership."

He alleged that human rights advocates

expect to “join forces for a political confrontation."

“Document No. 9″ alleges that opponents of

one-party dictatorship “aim to provoke public

dissatisfaction with the CCP and government."

“They have incited incidents on some sensitive issues.

These include exposing officials’ assets, combating

corruption via internet, and opposing media control."

The New York Times comments that, “since the circular

was issued, party-run publications and web sites have

vehemently denounced constitutionalism and civil society.

These were notions that were not

considered off limits in recent years."

“Officials have intensified efforts to block

access to critical views on the Internet."

“Two prominent rights advocates have

been detained in the past few weeks."

Deng Yuwen is a former deputy editor of Learning Times,

the official journal of the CCP Central Party School.

He doesn’t worry about the official CCP

media’s criticism of constitutionalism.

Deng Yuwen: “Why don’t we understand

the issue from the reverse side?

The more severe their criticism is, the more

they are publicizing constitutionalism.

The public would have known nothing about

constitutionalism if they hadn’t censured it.

Now, with their intensive criticism, the whole

nation has given their attention to constitutionalism.

So in my view, it’s better to see more criticism on this issue."

Beijing-based expert, Du Yanlin, suggests all this signals

that the CCP is ready to go into reverse completely.

Du Yanlin: “Today is the era of the internet.

I think it’s stupid that the CCP authorities, with lies and

violence, try to put the clock back to the Cultural Revolution.

It’s like a high-speed car running on a

highway suddenly makes a sharp turn.

What follows will only be a drop into the abyss."

The New York Times states that, “the internal

warnings to cadres show that Xi Jinping’s

confident public face is accompanied by fear."

His dread includes that “the party is vulnerable to

an economic slowdown, public anger about corruption,

and challenges from liberals impatient for political change."

On August 19 -20, in Beijing, the CCP held

a national conference on propaganda work.

CCP leader Xi Jinping emphasized

ideology is extremely important.

He said that “propaganda work is to consolidate

the guiding role of Marxism in the field of ideology."

Du Yanlin says that nowadays, the internet

has helped form a “civil society" in China.

The CCP’s ideology has been

isolated from folk society in China.

Thus, the CCP’s propaganda will no

longer have a big impact on civilians.

Du Yanlin: “The society won’t resonate

with the authorities’ voice or appeal.

If the CCP actions to against historical trend

affects citizens’ daily life, the people will resist it.

I believe in the near future, the public

will give a strong response to it.

This will be triggered by some other events."

According to The New York Times, “proponents

of deeper Western-style economic changes are

often allied with those pushing for rule of law

and a more open political system."

“While traditionalists favor greater state

control of both economic and political life."

The article quotes analysts.

“Xi Jinping’s cherry picking of approaches from

each of the rival camps could end up miring

his own agenda into intra-party squabbling."

“Xi has acknowledged that the slowing economy

needs new, more market-driven momentum that

can come only from a relaxation of state influence."
