【禁聞】「上訪媽媽」案終結 低賠償 無道歉



















採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

A Court Grants Tang Hui Compensation But Owes Apology

On July 15, Hunan high court revoked the first instance

regarding petitioning mother, Tang Hui, to sue Yongzhou labor committee.

Tang Hui received 2641.15 yuan (USD $479) as compensation

for the loss of her freedom and psychological trauma.

However, the court rejected her request

for a formal apology.

On July 15, Hunan high court said Tang should be

punished for, “disturbing social order."

Yet Yongzhou Labor Committee didn’t handle the case well,

causing her psychological damage.

However, the court said that there is no legal basis

to the issue of whether it is necessary to write a formal apology.

In addition, Yongzhou’s side apologized in court for not

taking enough care of Tang, and handling her case improperly.

Thus, the judge accepted it as an apology to Tang.

Yongzhou labor committee obeyed the verdict, but Tang

felt “some regret" for not having received a written apology.

Tang Hui, Hunan petition mother:

“I expected worse results than this.

On July 2, the court’s words made me lose hope.

Never mind what they did, it is no longer important.

I don’t know how to express my gratitude,

as so many people care about me, thank you all."

In 2012, Yongzhou police sentenced Tang to 18 months

at a labor camp for “disturbing social order.”

Later, the sentence was revoked

by Hunan provincial labor committee.

In 2013, Tang sued Yongzhou labor committee.

In 2006, Tang’s 11-year-old daughter was beaten, raped,

and forced into prostitution which later caused her Infertility.

Tang believes that the police and local authority deliberately

shielded a brothel and the officials who are suspected of abusing power.

Thus, Tang petitioned the Yongzhou government, judiciary

and provincial judiciary many times.

Tang went to Changsha to petition over 100 times

and went to Beijing 23 times.

She went on hunger strikes and kneeling down (another form

of protest), but she was detained and sent to labor camp.

This took place over the course of 7 years.

The Tang Hui case became noticed worldwide.

Analysts said that a mother was beaten and sent to a labor

camp for 9 days just because she urged the punishment

of men who raped her daughter.

She was compensated 2,641.15 yuan (USD $479), which was

seen as a low payout and there was a lack of a written apology.

She didn’t win; it is the labor committee that has won.

Regarding the 2,641.15 yuan ($479) low compensation,

Zhang Hui, a lawyer in Mainland China commented.

Zhang said there still exist some imperfect factors

in China’s law, caused by the CCP system.

Zhang Hui: “Did this case achieve the goal that

Tang Hui and the public expected?

In China, it is now difficult to get the best result."

Regarding the verdict, Tang Hui’s lawyer Xu Liping, said

it is an imperfect final judgment.

The judge avoided the issue of whether it is legal or not

to have sent Tang Hui to labor camp.

Wen Zhao, current affairs commentator, said the three aspects

that Tang Hui’s case didn’t win are fair compensation,

overturn of the “disturbing the society order” charge,

Yongzhou labor committee didn’t admit their wrong doing.

Wen Zhao: “The authority didn’t want to take

responsibility, so they isolate this case and

manage to close it as soon as possible, in order

to reduce the impact of the public opinion.

This case touches the bottom-line of human morality,

her daughter only was 11 years old.

In addition, police were also involved in raping,

but they haven’t been punished yet."

Analysts said that if Tang Hui loses the case,

the public won’t let it go.

Tang will also continue to appeal,

and the media will follow up on reporting.

The public will increasingly be concerned about judicial

corruption, as it doesn’t benefit but only damages the CCP.

At present, Tang Hui has won on the surface, misleading

people into believing that the low court made the wrong judgment.

It may not affect the CCP’s reputation.

The Tang Hui case has triggered a voice

of abolishment of the labor camp system.

Now that Tang Hui sued Yongzhou labor camp and won,

is there hope of removing the labor camp system?

Wen Zhao: “This case has nothing to do

with abolishing the labor camp system.

They have never reviewed it, is the system’s problem,

it hasn’t touch the entire labor camp’s crimes yet.

It is far beyond the public expectation that Tang case

can deeply change the system."

Tang Hui told NTD that she is planning a trip to the US

so that her daughter can receive medical attention.

Many details are not convenient to disclose yet.
