






中國法律專家 楊學林:「就是司法不獨立、法官不獨立,受到的這種行政干預太多。它必然會導致司法腐敗。其實就這麼簡單。」


大陸南京「東南大學」法學教授 張讚寧:「最主要的機制就是:憲法上有一句話『中國共產黨領導』。而且專門成立了一個『政法委』,來領導公檢法的工作、審判工作,這是造成司法不獨立的一個根本原因。」




中國公民監政會發起人 郭永豐:「治標不治本,總是做一些花樣來玩一玩,來愚弄、欺騙一下老百姓。那個改革有甚麼意義呀?沒意義的。司法獨立、新聞自由、言論自由,包括開放報禁、黨禁、民間可以自由組黨,這些它敢改嗎?不敢。」


採訪/易如 編輯/李謙 後製/周天

What’s at the Bottom of CCP’s Administration of Justice

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) politics and law system

has been “maintaining social stability” through violence.

It has caused boiling resentment among the people.

It has also caused the CCP regime to be threatened

by a growing crisis.

Recently, the Chief Judge of Guangdong senior court stated

that judicial injustice is caused by “judicial non-independence

and administration of justice.”

Let’s take a look at what’s behind this

“administration of justice.”

Since Xi Jinping took the office, he discussed eradicating

denials of justice and penalizing judicial corruption over and over.

Later on, a personnel earthquake took place in

the CCP’s politics and law system.

Politics and law officials across the country fell

or committed suicide.

Nevertheless, the dark side of the CCP’s judicial system

has never changed.

Petitioners and activists are still randomly arrested

and sentenced.

Basic rights of ordinary people cannot be guaranteed.

The privileged groups are still abusing their power

above the law.

Recently, China’s media, China News Weekly, reported that

the justice system in Guangdong is promoting a series

of reforms, called eliminating justice of administration.

Futian Court in Shenzhen and Foshan Court began

implementing the “chief judge being in full charge” system.

The report quoted Zheng E’s remark, chief judge

of Guangdong senior people’s court,

who said that judicial reform must direct to system reform.

It requires re-designing the top structure.

Zheng stated that most judicial injustices are caused

by administration of justice not by judiciary corruption.

Regarding this comment, Yang Xuelin Chinese legal expert

and member of human rights committee of the Constitution

and of the Bar Association in Beijing, stated that judicial

corruption is definitely one of the reasons for judicial injustice.

However, the root problem of judicial corruption

is the CCP’s system.

Yang Xuelin: “If both the judiciary and judges are not


and they both have too much administration interference,

judicial corruption is unavoidable. It is just this simple.”

Actually, “removal of the judiciary administration”

is not a new viewpoint at all.

Many years ago, legal professionals in China achieved

this consensus and have been calling for it.

However, what’s challenging is that the government has

been intervening in cases all the time in the current regime system.

Zhang Zanning, Law Professor of Southeastern University:

“In the CCP’s constitution, there is a sentence which says,

“China is led by the Chinese Communist Party."

Specifically, the politics and law committee has been

established to supervise the public security system.

This is one of the root reasons why judicial injustice

takes place.”

Zhang Zanning mentioned that in China judges’ promotion

and courts’ financials are all controlled by the local government and senior authorities.

Therefore, it’s impossible for judges to make

judgments according to the law.

Thus, it is inevitable that the law is not abided by.

Zhang Zanning stated that one party monopoly is the root

reason why judicial independence and judicial justice cannot be realized.

Guo Yongfeng, founder of Chinese Citizen Policies Monitoring

Committee, also said that it’s impossible that the party itself can execute any judicial reform.

If it does, the party is committing suicide.

The so-called reforms in the CCP’s internal system

are for nothing other than to fool people.

Guo Yongfeng: ”What’s the point of reform

if it’s only to play some tricks and fool ordinary people? It’s meaningless.

Does the party dare to stop screening news and allow

the construction of other parties in China,

thus to realize judiciary independence, press freedom

and expression freedom? No, it doesn’t.”

This March, during the CCP’s two national congresses,

the work report from Supreme People’s Court got 605 dissenting votes and 120 abstaining votes.

People’s distrust in the judicial system reached

a record high in the past 5 years,

which manifested the embarrassing situation of

the CCP’s judicial system.
