













時政專欄作家 曹長青﹕「根本的原因在於中國的政治制度。因為你的一黨專制,一黨天下不解決的話,誰來監督執政?沒有政黨輪換,沒有老百姓一人一票的民主選舉,那怎麼可能有腐敗被監督呢?」


採訪/常春 編輯/尚燕 後製/鍾元

Three Corrupt Representatives of the Communist Regime

China is facing assessment of it’s compliance with the UN

Convention against Corruption this year, for the first time.

That means the anti-corruption effort of the Communist

regime will be examined by the international community this summer.

What will be the outcome of the assessment?

Why are Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials getting

more corrupt after all the anti-corruption drive ?

Our experts explain with three corrupt representative officials.

The proletariat Communists are nowadays said to be the

privileged, bureaucratic stratum, also known as the vested interest group in the name of people’s servants.

Netizens name Jiang Zemin, former leader, Zeng Qinghong,

Jiang’s housekeeper and former vice president, and Zhou Yongkang,

Jiang’s hardcore thug and former Law Committee secretary,

the three representatives of official corruption.

According to China Affairs magazine, Jiang Zemin

has a secret Swiss bank account of 350 million U.S. dollars.

Hong Kong’s Open magazine also revealed that Jiang Zemin

had transferred a sum of over 2 billion U.S. dollars overseas

prior to the 16th National Congress, according to Liu Jinbao,

former CEO of Bank of China (Hong Kong),

Liu received a deferred death sentence

in 2005, due to corruption.

Jiang Zemin’s son, Jiang Mianheng was named China’s

number one apostle of greed, for being involved in multiple major international corruption cases.

Editor in Chief: of China Affairs Magazine, Chris Wu:

“In the Jiang Zemin era, he aimed at a muffled fortune.

Following Deng Xiaoping’s policy, “Make a fortune

for some people “ , he made fortune for his own family first.

The princelings and the loyal subordinates

get rich first. “

Jiang’s housekeeper, Zeng Qinghong and his family became

the vanguard of Modern Princelings who accumulate massive fortunes from business.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Zeng had arranged

for his 25-year old son, Zeng Wei, to get into a Melbourne University in 1993.

Zeng Wei made no show but quickly

became a billionaire a year later.

Zeng Wei was said to collect huge commissions

through operating a number of companies.

It included Shanghai Volkswagen,

China Eastern Airlines and Beijing Hyundai Motor.

He was also said to own a Beijing fund to

“assist" companies to list on the stock market.

The inside knowledge of which firms is likely to make

initial public offerings gives him the power to profit.

While Zhou Yongkang and his family, according to a 2009

US diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks, had the oil monopolies.

Zhou’s son, Zhou Bin has taken advantage of their power

at various government or departments to seek personal gains.

For instance, he resold land by interfering with major

construction projects in Sichuan through the Ministry of Land.

Chris Wu: “They are now counting on the princelings to

safeguard the regime.

After the Tiananmen massacre, they won’t feel at ease unless

they all are in control, of the money, the military, and political power."

Chris Wu criticized that Jiang Zemin condoned corruption

in exchange for political support from the princelings and the privileged.

This institutional corruption has brought enormous and

irreversible disaster to China.

Political columnist Cao Changqing commented that the

Tiananmen Square Student’s movement called for an anti corruption drive 24 years ago.

For nearly a quarter of a century now,

the corruption is only getting worse.

Political columnist Cao Changqing:

“The political system is the fundamental problem.

One-party rule has no supervision.

How can there be any supervision of corruption without

political party rotation and democratic election?"

The Jiang’s, the Zeng’s, and the Zhou’s are only three chief

examples of the CCP’s official corruption.

The illegal funds transfer overseas from corrupt officials

has reached an alarming level.

Global Financial Integrity reported in December, 2012,

the measured and cumulative illicit financial outflows between 2001 and 2010 from China were US$ 2.74 trillion,

accounting for half of the total measured outflow

from 150 developing countries over the same period.

It is now known that this number is growing steadily.
