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Was Xi Jinping deliberately attacked by leftists?

Since Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

general secretary, has taken office, outsiders are concerned

with whether Xi will follow Mao Zedong’s leftist route

or go the constitutional way instead.

From Xi’s recent internal remarks revealed by media,

as well as the “Seven Don’t Mentions” and the “Three New

Againsts” which were circulated by the Propaganda Ministry,

outsiders believe that Xi has turned to the “left.”

However, overseas Chinese media said that Xi’s internal

remarks were deliberately fabricated by “leftists.”

Let’s take a look.

According to the Boxun website, sources in Beijing

with ties to politicians said

the recent rumors about Xi’s internal remarks

were deliberately fabricated.

Their purpose was to give the public the idea that Xi can’t

control the situation, thus he has to follow Mao’s route.

The report said that what’s most worrisome is “Seven Don’t

Mentions” came from the Propaganda Ministry.

Xi wasn’t very happy with it.

If nothing else, it is said that the state-owned media outlet

People’s Daily will publish completely opposing articles soon.

Zhu Jianguo, Mainland Chinese writer: “There are no doubts

regarding recent published strengthening ideological works

for professors in the university and no doubt Xi Jinping

turned to the Maoist “left,” as these articles won’t

be published without his approval.

It is hard to tell whether it is really Xi’s internal remarks.

However, the publicized articles and internal remarks have

the same ideology.”

Zhu Jianguo believes that from the new central

leadership structure,

people can tell that the minister of propaganda and

central office staff are Xi’s allies.

Thus, it cannot be said that the rumors are out of Xi’s control.

Recently, several state media in China have published

articles criticizing constitutionalism.

Reports said that the constitutional concept is capitalism

rather than socialism.

Reports reiterated that “the China dream is socialism with

Chinese characteristics,” which is the “universal principle,”

and “believing in the CCP is the same as

Christians believing in God.”

In this regard, Wu Wei, a former research fellow of Central

Political Reform Institution and modern Chinese history

scholar said via microblog that

“The ideological field seems to have begun

its fierce counter-attack.

‘Turn to the left and go,’ can be interpreted as

a new Cultural Revolution is seemingly on its way.”

Hua Po, Beijing current affairs observer: “The so-called

‘Seven Don’t Mentions,’ including Yang Xiaoqing’s article

published in CCP’s magazine Hongqiwengao,

all belong to ‘leftists’ within the CCP system.

They organized and released something to force Xi

to show his stance.

It indicates that the leftists don’t trust Xi, so they forced Xi

to vow again, to devote himself to Communism.”

Hua Po points out that the current situation

is the outcome of the CCP’s internal struggle.

The leftists used these articles to challenge

Xi Jinping’s bottom line.

Zhu Jianguo believes that Xi Jinping is from the privileged

group and without the privilege system, he wouldn’t be where he is today.

Zhu Jianguo: “Xi has been enjoying the privilege.

Over the past 30 years he has enjoyed privilege.

He relies on his father’s power and contacts,

He certainly will protect this privilege system.”

Recently, 18 officials have been swiftly promoted.

11 officials’ family members are also current officials,

including Deng Xiaoping’s grandson, Deng Zhuodi, who

was born after 1980 and Ye Jianying’s great-grandson,

Ye Zhonghao.

Guangzhou Daily newspaper reported that according

to official reports,

the opportunity for cadres’ children to become cadres

is 2.1 times higher than non-cadres’ children.

The rate is even higher for the CCP’s

“Red” young generations.

Among seven Standing Committee members, Xi Jinping,

Yu Zhengsheng and Wang Qishan are senior leaders’ direct

descendants or in-laws.

Hong Kong’s Singtao Daily newspaper said that within

the CCP system exists group hereditary power.

They form an interest compound.

Chen Pokong, US-based political and financial commentator,

said that in today’s China, Red interest groups have deep roots.

It is hard to shake them.

The voice of reform from internal ruling groups is harder

to carry on than at any time in the history.

It is also harder in China than in any country in the world.

Xi Jinping’s role is just an interest balancer.
