【禁聞】H7N9擴散絕殺禽類 畜禽業遭滅頂
















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李智遠

H7N9 avian virus spread and poultry destroyed

The deadly H7N9 bird flu has spread from the Yangtze River

Delta to northern Mainland China.

It is disastrous to China’s livestock and poultry industry.

Due to the spread of the epidemic, poultry prices

have fallen sharply.

Some places, farmers have to destroy the poultry because

there is no place to keep them.

On April 17th, the China Animal Husbandry Association

estimated the entire poultry industry loss equals more than 17 billion yuan.

It also endangers the capital chain of businesses related

to livestock industry.

On April 18th, Shanghai Bulletin announced another case

of H7N9 avian influenza in the city.

At 5pm, the CCP media disclosed a total of 84 cases

of confirmed H7N9 avian bird flu.

On the night of April 16th, the Department of Agriculture

released the latest detection information from Jiangsu

and Zhejiang animal disease prevention and control center

that five chicken and pigeon samples tested positive for H7N9.

This information has instilled fear in people and they

are afraid to eat poultry.

With the H7N9 avian influenza continuing to spread to more

provinces, it has seriously affected China’s livestock industry and related businesses.

It further threatens the economic and social aspects,

including catering, tourism, aviation, and many other areas.

On April 17th, China Animal Husbandry Association

estimated the loss of day-old chicks, live chickens and chicken products at more than 16.7 billion yuan.

If duck products and pigeon meat are included,

the financial loss has exceeded 17 billion yuan.

Mr. Qin from Guanghan City, Sichuan said that although

Sichuan has not reported cases of bird flu, people

have avoided buying them.

He has lost at least 200,000 yuan in a short period.

Mr. Qin: “Avian influenza is bad for the aquaculture industry.

When people do not eat chickens, ducks, and geese,

farmers do not raise ducks, we can’t sell seedlings/ducklings.

So, we are affected.

On April 11th, Mainland media reported that after the H7N9

avian influenza outbreak, an owner of the duck industry

in Fujian has thrown away more than 10,000

hatched ducklings daily.

This has lasted more than a week.

On April 14th, Li Yuzhen, owner of a large pigeon farm

in Guangdong, told the media that she has buried

more than 120,000 baby pigeons and started to slaughter

some breeding pigeons.

Within 10 days, her loss has been more than

two million yuan.

Mainland epidemic expert Mr. Zhao believes that

the outbreak of the H7N9 bird flu is due to the irregularities in the poultry industry.

However, poor management leads to problems.

Once troubles come, authorities normally go extremes,

such as destroying chickens, ducks, and pigeons.

Is this reasonable?

It is worthy of pondering.

Mr. Zhao: “After you kill the chickens, how much

will you be compensated?

I have not heard of any compensation yet.

After the livestock is destroyed, the owners of these farms

are ruined financially.

This method of dealing with the problem impacts

social wealth.

Compensation should come from the government.

That means the government will compensate

for the social wealth.

Mr. Zhao points out that destroying the livestock

is not a long-term cure.

The virus will spread again, and the people

are also at risk.

For the prevention and control of avian influenza,

we need to pay attention to what offers the highest

efficiency, lowest cost, and minimal loss, in order

to solve the problem.

Recently, the “Good Life" website in Changchun disclosed

that there was a patient with questionable H7N9 bird flu.

The patient was isolated.

Many websites on the Internet reported cases of H7N9

from Tianjin, Liaoning, Changchun and other provinces and cities.

However, Mainland media did not report these cases.

The public is p worried about a repeat of the scenarios of late,

concealing, omitting reports of the epidemic.

They worry even more that authorities may incinerate

patients alive and claim triumphing over the virus, as they did to SARS patients 10 years ago.
