【禁聞】計生委32年 超生罰款去向何處﹖




北京維權人士 胡佳:「這兩個部門其實根本是矛盾的,衛生部有些國家叫健康部,它是屬於維護人類大的健康方面的問題,從心理到身體各個層面,所謂我們叫的白衣天使,那計生委算甚麼,那都是一個個穿著黑衣的死神,就是剝奪孩子生命的一群劊子手。」

原《河北人民廣播電臺》編輯 朱欣欣:「它合併進去以後,這個部門等於獨立部門沒有了,它過去所有的這些收的罰款,等於是抹掉了,我就可以不再對外的公布了,就是藉口消失了。」











Birth Control Committee Continues to Function in China

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Birth

Control Committee has been widely criticized.

It has conducted forced abortions of pregnant

women, and imposed “above-quota birth” fines.

Public data shows that up to 2010, the number

of forced abortions in China reached 272 Million.

The authorities have never made public the figure of fines.

The regime has recently set up the

National Health & Birth Control Committee.

In the past 32 years, how has the Birth Control Committee

managed enormous numbers of “above-quota birth” fines?

How have these money been

used? Let’s see our report.

During the recent “big-ministry” restructuring, the CCP

merged the Birth Control Committee into it’s Health Ministry.

The new department is called “National

Health & Birth Control Committee”.

Hu Jia, Beijing Rights Activist: “These two

departments were actually contradictory.

The Ministry of Health should serve the public health,

from psychology to body, playing a role of angels in white.

The Birth Control Committee, like a demon, has

deprived the numerous lives of babies in China.”

Zhu Xinxin, former editor for Hebei State Radio:

“So the merge abolishes the Birth Control Committee.

It means that all the fines that have been

imposed by this department have all gone.

This is a good way to make it

disappear without making it public.”

The CCP birth control authorities

at all levels were set up in 1981.

Its regular job duties mainly target forcing

local pregnant women to carry out abortions.

It is also to impose significant penalities on those families

that have children outside the birth permission quota.

Zhu Xinxin: “The regime has formulated

lots of policies to execute this plan.

You have to pay a high cost to have an ‘above-quota’ birth.

This includes dismissal from public office,

and deprivation of many social welfares.

It forced pregnant women to have abortions,

which is actually indirect murder.”

Over the past 32 years, the Birth Control

Committee has imposed large fines.

This was in the name of “social compensation fees”.

How has this large amount of money been managed?

Hu Jia reveals that across China, there are hundreds

of thousands of birth-control staff members.

The “above-quota birth” fines are a big source of corruption.

It has become a way for the CCP to

plunder citizens family properties.

Hu Jia says the practice has involved many interest parties.

Hu Jia: “In cities, an above-quota

birth is fined over 200,000 yuan.

Otherwise, the child has no Hukou

(permanent residence permit).

The fines are revenues outside the scope of taxation.

Information on how it comes and

where it goes is not transparent.

No one knows whether the money becomes

a slush funds in some state departments or whether it’s pocketed by some officials.”

In 2012, scholar Yang Zhizhu publicized an estimated

figure of annual “above-quota birth” fines in China.

It may be as high as 27.9 Billion yuan, based on the

average amount of fines imposed in nine provinces.

Yang said the allocation of these penalites is not

organised, and how they have been used is unknown.

In his article, Yang Zhizhu commented

on the merging of the two departments.

He warned that once birth control leaders take

the helm of the health sector, doctors will face

greater pressures from the birth control policy.

Yang pointed out that in hospitals, “social compensation fees”

may be used to improve remuneration of doctors and nurses.

Such “collective welfares” will make them

ignore moral constraints and legal alerts.

On medical ethics, this will shape a far stronger

corrosive effect than personal corruption does.

According to Yang Zhizhu, the worst outcome is

not the increase in the number of forced abortions.

Nor is it the non-issuing of birth certificates.

Rather, it is the distrust by the gravidas on the

hospitals, who will give “above-quota” births.

And this distrust will prevent them

from delivering babies in hospitals.

People will stay at home resorting, and resort

to their own ability to deliver their babies.

Yang Zhizhu supposed that out of annual 15 Million

births, there are 2 Million “above-quota” births.

People daring not to see doctors and delivering

of babies at home will increase the mortality by 1%.

That means 20,000 more pregnant

women are likely to die each year.

Hu Jia: “Such anti-human crimes should be

recorded, as a witness of this history in China.

That is, this birth-control violence."

A Wall Street Journal reporter asked CCP officials:

“Does the restructuring of Birth Control Committee refer

to the implementation of two-child policy in China?”

Wang Feng, deputy director of CCP State

Commission Office for Public Sector Reform replied.

The work on birth control will “only

be strengthened, rather than weakened.”
