【禁聞】朝鮮擬廢停戰協定 拉響對戰警報?

















採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/黎安安

Interpreting Pyongyang’s Threat to End Armistice

According to the Korean Central News Agency report,

North Korea will scrap the Korean Armistice Agreement.

The action is thought to be a counter action

to US and South Korea joint military exercises.

Another view is that Pyongyang has warned of a war.

Will this action signal war in the Korean Peninsula?

Or is there any other purpose? Let’s see what experts say.

On March 5, the Korean Central News Agency cited

the spokesman for the army Supreme Command.

It said that the US and South Korean military

drills are “a vivid expression of their systematic

violation” of the 1953 ceasefire agreement.

Reportedly, Pyongyang will

nullify the armistice on March 11.

The activities of official representative

office at Panmunjom will be suspended.

Regular military contact with the U.S. will be shut off.

The Korean War ceasefire agreement was signed July 1953.

Signatories included North Korea, China and the UN forces.

The agreement mainly covers following points:

1, Define a military demarcation line, and

set up a demilitarized zone as a buffer;

2, Opposing sides cease hostilities, and

withdraw from the demilitarized zone;

3, Each party repatriate prisoners of war.

The UN Security Council has decided to sanction

North Korea for its rocket launch in December 2012.

Then, North Korea staged a third underground nuclear test.

While plotting further sanctions on North Korea,

the U.S. and South Korea started a large-scale

joint military drill on March 1st.

South Korea’s 200,000 strong force took part

in the exercise, with 10,000 troops from the U.S.

Reportedly, the drill will run until the end of April.

Now North Korea has claimed to cancel the 1953 armistice.

Does that means fighting will be

resumed on the Korean Peninsula?

Critic Wu Fan says it was North Korea threaten to end the

armistice, and has habitually made similar intimidations.

Wu Fan: “North Korea cannot afford wars,

although it has a lot of tanks and soldiers.

Its weapons, command system, combat effectiveness,

and food supply is weak, and lacks sustainable support.

Its territory is very limited, so it’ll become

powerless once opponents’ counter attack.”

Why did North Korea take such a stance?

Wu Fan speculates that they are using it as a tactic

to control the army, the society and the political party.

It attempts to gain interests under the guise of threat.

Wu Fan: “Now it uses this trick for blackmails.

It plays the nuclear strikes card, aiming

to get money and economic aids.

It has turned it into a business of coercion,

for money, food, and petroleum. It’s all rogue.”

Wu Fan says that Kim Jong-un’s attempt to invalidate the

armistice is linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Wu Fan: “The armistice agreement involves

the CCP. Is the CCP willing to cancel it, too?

Since the CCP is a combatant and a signatory.

So it’s not simple as Kim Jong-un’s decision.

If it really revokes the armistice, that

means it’ll ignore and fall out with the CCP.

I think it’s hard to go that far, for it has no strength.”

In February, North Korea conducted a third nuclear test.

The international community questions the source

of its nuclear technology equipment, and the materials.

Insiders in China’s Nuclear Industry Ministry

reportedly revealed that North Korea’s nuclear

technicians have received training in China.

The CCP offered Pyongyang the most advanced technology.

In fact, the CCP controls North Korea’s core nuclear

materials and technology, and it’s leading technicians.

Some experiments were even done

in secret at China’s nuclear sites.

newcenturynews.com published an article, entitled, “What

is the CCP’s real intention on N. Korean nuclear tests?”

The article mentioned that after North Korea’s

third nuclear test, some people urged the CCP

to sanction North Korea and to stop economic aid.

Some others criticized that the CCP doesn’t

make sense in ignoring North Korea’s nuclear

test, which was made near China’s border.

In reality, the CCP alleged that China hasn’t

detected any nuclear radiation created by the test.

Thus, is there CCP tacit approval and

support Behind North Korea’s threat?

The international communities are following the issue closely.
