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採訪編輯/常春 後製/郭敬

Lawyer Pu Zhiqiang: I Will Impeach a Bigger Official

Pu Zhiqiang, the famous Chinese human rights lawyer

has accused Zhou Yongkang, the CCP’s former secretary of the Politics and Law Committee.

He said Zhou has “harmed the country, hurt the people”

on the three biggest Chinese micro-blog websites.

On the first day of the Chinese new year, Pu Zhiqiang expressed a

wish to “adhere to another year”, to “impeach a bigger officer”.

The media suspects that Pu Zhiqiang wants to impeach the backer

of Zhou Yongkang, Jiang Zemin himself, who is a bigger “tiger”.

After Pu Zhiqiang accused Zhou Yongkang at the beginning

of February, his words attracted much interest in China.

His microblogs were blocked after a while.

On February 9, Pu Zhiqiang said he was safe.

On a Sina microblog account “Yuexi Cuilan 2013”.

On February 10, he published his wish on microblog to

“adhere to another year, try to transcend myself,

wait for fans growing up to ten million,

then accuse a bigger tiger.”

Pu Zhiqiang wrote on New Year’s Eve:

”It’s said that tea is cold after the people have gone.

Nobody cares for the mood of retired old comrades.”

Outsiders have analyzed that he refers to Zhou Yongkang

as an “old comrade”.

Pu Zhiqiang told NTD that it was not convenient to receive

an interview, but he emphasized that his accusation was just expressing his personal opinion.

For the question of whether the bigger tiger he will impeach

will be Jiang Zemin, he spoke of having just posted an article on his microblog,

He said it was not convenient for him to say more about it.

As to why he became so famous after impeaching Zhou, he

thought maybe his accusation had touched the hearts of many.

Zhang Jian, a Chinese issue researcher from the U.S. said

that lawyer Pu Zhiqiang is respected.

However, even if he is brave enough to say something,

he is still scared of something.

He knows under the CCP system, he will be arrested if he

impeaches Jiang Zemin and other former leaders.

Zhang Jian: “Because (they are) in China,

there are few people who dare to express their opinions.

In this controlled society, many people are too scared

to do anything.

All of them know what the persecution has done to people;

many people prefer to stay silent.

Pu Zhiqiang, is brave, he dares to say what he thinks.”

Lin Zixu, a political commentator said that Pu Zhiqiang’s

criticism of Zhou Yongkang has unnerved the Jiang faction.

Lin Zixu: ”Now, Jiang’s faction is a poisoned sore of the CCP.

Xi Jinping wants to remove it, but he doubts the CCP will disintegrate when he has removed Jiang’s faction.

But Jiang’s faction hasn’t been removed, and it’s existence

threatens Xi Jinping-Li Keqiang’s regime directly.”

Lin Zixu pointed out that the CCP’s leadership

maybe puzzled over the current situation.

They are probably “passing over the river by touching

the stones in the bottom of the river”.

Lin Zixu: “Pu Zhiqiang’s case is an example.

Xi Jinping should want to use this case to beat Jiang’s faction,

but if the case continues to be in public focus,

Xi doesn’t know what the consequences will be.

On the other hand, if Xi Jinping suppresses Pu Zhixiang,

people’s reaction will be very strong,

This means the suppression will be even heavier. Once this

vicious cycle is set up, the CCP may disrupt in instantly.”

Lin Zixu believes that senior leaders of the CCP are in

a dilemma over the situation.

Zhang Jian: “In a democratic country, it’s very easy to participate

in politics or to question a person even without evidence.

Like Lei Zhengfu, if you think he has some problems

in his position, you can express your concern by microblog or in other ways.

Even if you don’t have the evidence on hand,

It’s very common and not a problem.”

Tang Jitian, a lawyer from Beijing Anhui Law Firm said that

if an official has committed a crime, no matter who he is, he will be held accountable.

If he has hurt the rights of the public,

he has in fact committed a serious crime.

Tang Jitian, lawyer from Beijing Anhui Law Firm,

“If there are accusations of former officials’ crimes,

this means that some Chinese, especially the educated

or professionals, are awake.

It’s a positive sign. Pu said he will impeach a bigger “tiger”.

It doesn’t matter whether the bigger one is serving or is retired.

This person should be held accountable at a proper trial,

if he has hurt people’s rights or committed crimes.”

Zhang Jian said that the accusation should be encouraged,

but that all CCP officials are corrupt.

Some corrupt officials were arrested recently because

they were in the wrong faction.

Therefore, Zhang Jian thinks there’s no real meaning in

“corrupt officials were arrested” unless the entire CCP is disintegrated.
