【禁聞】護貪官隱私? 中共拘2500私家偵探
















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/王明宇

Massive Arrest of 2,500 Private Detectives in China

For many years, corruption and adultery among Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) officials has been commonplace.

This has been the focus of public criticism in China.

Since November 2012, the new CCP leadership has

raised the profile of advocating the combat of corruption.

The situation has inspired waves of civil anti-corruption, and

lots of private detectives have been hired to probe corruption.

Recently, a private detective business was outlawed, and

accused of illegally acquiring and trading personal data.

So far, 2,500 private detectives have been arrested.

Commentators says that the real intention

is to protect those corrupt CCP officials.

Within the ranks of recently punished CCP officials,

95% had mistresses and even shared mistresses.

After the 18th Party Congress, the number of officials

being denounced after scandals has risen linearly.

Recently, netizens exposed sex scandal

videos and photos involving officials.

In December 2012, media reported that lots

of tapping devices have been installed in the

cars, offices or bedrooms of CCP officials.

Shandong citizen Qi Hong told the media

that he had been hired to remove over 300

wire-tappings from more than 100 officials.

On January 19, official CCP state media reported on an

official police action in the protection of online privacy.

It said the Public Security Ministry launched a nationwide

arrest of ‘illegal’ private detectives on January 14.

This action covered 21 regions, including Beijing,

Hebei, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, and Hubei.

Reportedly, the police arrested

a total of 1,152 criminal suspects.

Hua Po, political observer in Beijing, comments on the issue.

He says the official action was staged in the name

of protecting citizens privacy, but its real goal was

to protect the privacy of a large number of officials.

Hua Po: “To this day, CCP officials have not yet declared

their personal assets, and all were operated in the dark.

It’s ridiculous that the people, who should be the

watchdogs of a government, have not known how

much property these ‘servants’ have possessed.

All this was done in private.

This included their number of mistresses and

their financial assets, which are really absurd.

So the alleged rights to privacy have been used

as a fig leaf to cover up the corruption of officials.”

Critic Wang Beiji: “The CCP has illegally taken over

China, and also steals information in various fields.

By outlawing private investigators, a civil society watchdog,

the Party can monopolize such anti-corruption investigations.

It can do whatever it wants.”

On January 20, the Information Center for Human

Rights & Democracy cited informed sources.

It said that the 18th Party Congress’ claims of staging

a fierce fight against corruption inspired many rich people.

They hired private detectives to collect

evidence of corruption to be exposed.

This has fueled civil combat against corrupt officials.

However, on January 14, the authorities took large-scale

actions, arresting 2,500 private detectives on January 19.

Media reported the majority of arrested private detectives

were hired non-governmentally to investigate corrupt officials.

Reportedly, the approaches they’ve taken are all lawful.

These include getting information from public data,

locating assets under the names of corrupt officials,

and monitoring officials meeting with their mistresses.

Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao, indicates

that the regime has touted “anti-corruption” for years.

It also claimed that it combats

corruption by following a strict line.

What these detectives have done is exactly what has

been touted, but has now become unlawful, says Chen.

Chen Yongmiao: “Thousands of people have been arrested.

This is a political movement, like many others in CCP history.

It was definitely done to solve some

political problems, not legal problems.

I think some of those arrested may have been

involved in the Mafia, or worked underground.

But broadly, the arrest of so many

people is definitely a political movement.”

Chen Yongmiao remarks that these private

detectives have threatened the CCP’s

organizational structure and bureaucratic system.

Chen Yongmiao: “The regime now uses the drive

of anti-corruption as a show performed to the public.

If it allows private detectives to become involved,

combined with the effect of online media such

as micro-blogging, anything could happen,

at any time to those corrupt CCP officials.

Uncertainty pervades everywhere like a huge

time bomb, which may explode at anytime.”

Critic Wang Beiji says that the CCP regime’s law

enforcement agencies are non-transparent, unfair,

corruptible and have failed in serving the people.

It has treated the private detective business very unfairly.

Wang remarks that these actions will only accelerate

the Communist regime’s disintegration, and its demise.
