【禁聞】《南周》刊特別更正 再起風波


【新唐人2013年01月18日訊】《南周》刊特別更正 再起風波


這個署名「南方週末編輯部」的「更正」聲明,除了指出「2000年的大禹治水」、「眾志成誠」和南方週末第「1057期」,這三個事實性的錯誤及錯別字外,還說: 「報紙編輯出版全鏈條的每一環,其規範流程永遠需要尊重與遵守,我們前所未有的認識到這一點。」




還有網友質疑說:「這就是最後的結果?不是非要鬧得你死我活,只是慨歎那些在南方報業集團總部大樓門口被喝茶、被扣留的人,他們的抗爭是為了這麼個結局嗎? 」










Southern Weekend published a special correction, once more arousing crisis.

On January 17th Southern Weekend published a special

article correcting the new-year congratulation message,

which was tampered with by the Guangdong Party

propaganda department.

The correction signed as ‘Southern Weekend editor office’

pointed out the misprints

such as: ‘DaYu-subdues flood, year 2000 version’; ‘To

Surmount’ and ‘Southern Weekend 1057 phase’; and so on.

It also pointed out: ‘In every chain of publications, regulations

must be obeyed and respected forever. Now we are at this point.’

The brief and uncertain announce once more

aroused lively discussion.

Some netizens pointed out this announce didn’t make clear

the profile of the event and who would responsible for it.

Another netizens said this is speechless and helpless.

People questioned: ‘regulations must be obeyed and

respected, who should realize this point?’

Some netizens questioned: “is this the last result?

Actually we don’t want to fight to the bitter end.

We only sigh for the protestors who were detained and

asked to “drink tea”. Is it the finale that they fight for?

Freedom House: controlling method of the Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) is the most complicated.

On January 16th a non-governmental organization based in the

USA, called Freedom House published its 2012 Annual Report.

The report evaluated China as a non-free country.

Of two main specifications of social degree of freedom,

China’s political rights are the lowest.

Citizens’ freedom is the second from the bottom of the list.

The report pointed out in 2012, the CCP also performed

the most complicated and skilled controlling of the people.

The annual report of Freedom House said that Taiwan,

South Korea and Japan had the best in degree of freedom.

They were evaluated as free countries.

While in Hong Kong, the political rights were evaluated as five

degrees and citizens’ freedom was evaluated as two degrees.

Hong Kong was evaluated as partly freed district.

Vietnam and North Korea were also seen as

not-free countries.

Protesting for conflict between city administrator and hawkers.

According to reports of the “Jasmine Revolution" website,

on January 16th there was a conflict between city administrator

and hawkers in Qingcheng town, in Guangdong province.

More than ten city administrators beat up shopkeeper

brothers leading to the elder seriously injured and in a coma.

The violence of city administrators aroused people’s anger

and about one thousand people besieged them for justice.

The authorities dispatched 100 -plus armed police and riot

police, with a confrontation lasting for several hours.

Also on January 15th in Fuyong town, Baoan district,

Shenzhen city, the city administrator drove disabled beggars away.

More than one thousand people besieged and conflicted

with city administrators and led to traffic gridlock.
