【禁聞】《南都》聲討庹震 暗中劍指北京





前大公報《大週刊》新聞部主任 朱健國:「它和前幾天網絡實名制的禁網,和一系列的緊縮,包括昨天習近平講的,不能用改革開放三十年否定改革開放前的三十年,這都是一個新的動向。這意味著這個時代可能要有一個大轉折了。這個轉折可能不是向前,而是向後,向毛澤東時代回歸或靠攏,肯定不是向前,他要回歸到毛的甚麼程度。這個有待觀察。」











採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/君卓

Southern Weekly’s Protest Directed at Beijing?

Southern Weekly’s protest against Tuo Zhen, Guangdong’s

Provincial Party Committee Propaganda leader,

received a lot of support from China’ press circles and civilians.

These strong voices of condemnation became a serious test

to the new Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) head Xi Jinping.

Was Tuo Zhen’s tampering of Southern Weekly’s New Year

message ordered by local officials or the central authorities?

There are different answers

within the press circles in China.

Analysts believe, the Southern Weekly’ protest against

provincial officials in fact aims at the new CCP leadership.

They want to know what the Xi Jinping stand is

on the issue of press freedom.

Tuo Zhen, the CCP’ Propaganda leader in Guangdong,

recently interfered with the publication of

Southern Weekly newspaper’s New Year Special.

Under his instructions, the original New Year message calling

for realizing China’s constitutional dream was replaced by an article flattering Xi Jinping’s “China dream.”

This led to a strong resentment of the newspaper’s staff,

who requested Tuo Zhen’s resignation in a public letter.

Former news director of Ta Kung Pao’s Big Weekly,

Zhu Jianguo remarked that CCP’s authorities had recently implemented tightening policies.

This suggests that the Southern Weekly incident

is not an isolated case.

Thus, most likely it was the CCP leaders in Beijing,

rather than provincial officials who directed the tampering.

Zhu Jianguo (ex-news director, Ta Kung Pao’s Big Weekly):

”This incident is related to the news of implementing real-name Internet rule and other tightening policies lately.

In addition, Xi Jinping said yesterday that the party’s history

in the 30 years before the economic reform could not be negated by the 30 years afterwards.

These indicate an advent of a new political trend,

which might result in a huge turning point of the era.

However, this might be a step backwards to Mao’s era,

rather than a step forward.

More observations need to be done before we can

conclude to what extent Xi’s retrogression will be.”

Zhu Jianguo remarked that Xi’s first move after taking office

was to visit Shenzhen, China’s economic reform’ cradle.

However, what he actually did

is far from any real reform.

Zhu Jianguo: ”You can’t call changing work ethics a reform.

In Mao’s era there had been even more changes in work ethics.

A real reform should include lifting restrictions on speeches

and the press, rehabilitating unjust verdicts, or announcing amnesty.

However, instead of doing those,

Xi is tightening the policies step by step.

He is implementing more restrictions

on freedom of speech and the press.”

According to Southern Weekly’s editorial office,

the number of tampered or rejected manuscripts of the newspaper in 2012, totals 1034.

Why did they react so strongly this time?

Zhu Jianguo thinks, the Southern Weekly staff tries to

send Xi Jinping a message through this incident, to call him to promote freedom of the press.

Zhu Jianguo: ”Apparently Southern Weekly only protested

against the provincial propaganda department.

However, I think this is a strategic move.

They are actually aiming at Beijing

rather than the provincial government.”

Guangdong freelancer Yehuo remarked that Xi Jinping

had brought some fresh air after coming to power.

For example, Xi didn’t close the road during his visit

to Shenzhen, which was praised by the citizens.

However, it is not possible for Xi to proceed much further;

otherwise he will not be able to hold his position of the CCP’s secretary general.

Yehuo (Freelancer, Guangdong): ”I believe that he

(Xi Jinping) will temporarily act in a low-key manner and pretend to be ignorant.

After all he is the leader of the party,

so he will never fully support the will of ordinary people.

If he simply ignores the surging public opinions,

and does not suppress them, that would be good enough.

It is unrealistic to over-optimistically expect him

to support or encourage what we expect to see.”

Zhu Jianguo predicts that Xi and the new CCP leadership

will further suppress the Southern Weekly’s protest.

The outcome of the incident can only be

a retreat of the newspaper once again.

On January 5th, Southern Weekly’s editorial office stated

that the truth of the incident had not become any clearer.

On the other hand, more people seeking the truth

had a ban on their speech.

They called for a credible investigation group to look

into the incident, and announce the results publicly.

VOA interviewed Shanghai independent media observer

Zhao Chu on the incident.

Zhao remarked that the tampering was not an isolated case

and was directly commanded by the central government.

Former chief editor of Southern Weekly Cheng Yizhong

spoke to Deutsche Welle about this case too.

Cheng said, the incident gives the newspaper a chance

to strike back at their boss, the propaganda department.

Cheng remarked that China’s bright future lies

in the resistance of every Chinese against the dictatorship.

Begging the CCP for more freedom of speech instead

of firmly resisting it is simply impossible to succeed.

Since the CCP itself is one big interest group

which can only survive by telling lies,

how can one expect them to give up the power voluntarily,

and be willing to accept any restrictions?

That is nothing different from negotiate with a tigerfor its skin.
