【禁聞】「假長空」難除 中宣部再提改文風













採訪/陳漢 編輯/李謙 後製/王明宇

Communist Propaganda Style Hard to Change

The Communist Central Propaganda Department

recently required improvement of news reporting.

Instead of being “fake, long and empty,” it asked

for the news to be “short, concrete and real.”

This regulation wasn’t previously being regarded.

It is said that under the one-party dictatorship, the propaganda

facilities only serve to be the party’s mouthpiece and tools.

There is no freedom of speech.

Any such regulation is only to continue the Communist

ruling by deceiving the public and will not solve any problem.

On December 26, the Chinese Communist Party Central

Propaganda Department issued a regulation.

It advocated an overall improvement of news reports

to all relevant media.

From the content to the layout, all programs need to be short,

concrete and real, instead of being long, empty and fake.

Shenzhen independent writer Zhu Jianguo told

New Tang Dynasty TV that

false long empty reporting has been an issue since

the Yan’an era, even though change has been advocated by Communist reports.

Shenzhen independent writer Zhu Jianguo:

“In fact, it cannot change.

Every time it was mentioned, it changed a little.

It never lasts and will never really change.

This false long empty style is a party culture under

the dictatorship."

Zhu Jianguo indicates that only a genuine social democratic

supervision will end the “fake, long, and empty” style.

Zhu Jianguo: “The existing eight Democratic Parties

are just to decorate the Communist Party.

The so-called improvement is only a replay of an old show.

It will not solve any problem."

On December 4, the Communist new General Secretary Xi

Jinping issued eight new rules in a recent Politburo meeting.

December 11, the new Propaganda Minister Liu Qibao

echoed Xi Jinping’s request by asking the media to change the reporting style in a public address.

Subsequently, the Central Propaganda Department official

notified subordinate media agencies to develop programs accordingly.

Political commentator Xing Tianxin: “The Propaganda

Department directs the issues towards the writing style.

In other words, it is the writers who created those

fake long empty reports.

Obviously it is to divert the focus and to deceive the public."

The political commentator Xing Tianxin believes that

the Central Propaganda Department’s notice is not really about changing the reporting style.

It is a tactic to maintain the Party’s ruling under the

current political crisis of the regime.

The Central Propaganda Department strictly supervises all

media to ensure they only serve to be the regime’s mouthpiece.

Changing the reporting style is an empty promise.

Xing Tianxin: “It (the Central Propaganda Department)

was set up to supervise.

It supervises through screening. To ensure survival,

no subordinate will dare to speak the truth."

Taiwan’s Want Daily reported an article by freelance writer

professor Hu Yong who indicated that

the day after Liu Qibao’s address, the Communist regime’s

mouthpiece, Xinhua News Agency, published a commentary.

This commentary indicated that Xi Jinping’s speech

has caused a popular response.

Hu Yong indicated that Xinhua’s report mentioned 10 people.

They are four officials, four people from the think tank

of the government, one entrepreneur, and one citizen.

With such a serious disproportion of officials versus people,

the genuineness of the article is questioned.

Meanwhile, the majority of Chinese nowadays care nothing

about officials’ speeches, but the article claimed it received a “popular response” from the public.

It is believed to be a self-made claim by the officials

and does not make sense.
