【禁聞】近60年 中國飛機首入釣魚島上空








政論家胡平:「它有顯示武力的傾向,這和習近平上臺之後強調 『民族復興』有相當的關聯。一方面對外顯示一種進攻的姿態,對內進一步發動民族主義。當然都有轉移內部矛盾,強化自己統治的作用。」









採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/鍾元

China Aircraft Flies Over Diaoyu (Senkaku) After 60 Years

December 14, marks 75 years since the Nanjing Massacre,

that took place during China-Japan war.

For this anniversary China maritime surveillance aircraft

flew over the airspace of the disputed Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands.

The aircraft merged with four maritime surveillance warships

cruising in the territorial waters of Diaoyu, and then carried out a sea-air 3-dimensional cruise.

In response, Japan Air Defense Force urgently sent out

eight fighter jets and an early interception warning.

Itss the first time that mainland Chinese aircraft flies

into the airspace of Diaoyu since 1958.

After the World War II, Chinese government gave up

territorial claims over Diaoyu Islands several times.

Why it started recently to have continual territorial claims

over Diaoyu Islands? Letss take a look at experts’ analyses.

About 10 am on Thursday, Chinese maritime surveillance

aircraft B-3837 flew over the airspace of Diaoyu Islands.

It merged with maritime surveillance fleet of warships 50,

46, 66, 137, cruising in the territorial sea of Diaoyu.

At the same time, Japanese patrol ships shouted at Chinese

aircraft and asked it to retreat immediately.

The Chinese aircraft replied, “this is Chinese territory,”

and asked the Japanese ships to move out immediately.

Japan’s Defense Ministry said, it is the first time since 1958,

that Chinese aircraft invades the Japanese airspace.

The Japanese government has expressed its solemn protest

to the Chinese government.

China National Ocean Bureau (NOB) commander confirmed,

this is the first 3-dimension cruise of NOB around Diaoyu.

In recent years, the disputes around the territory of Diaoyu

continually escalated, especially in the summer of this year, when it was more severe.

Political commentator Hui Ping said, this aircraft emergence

in Diaoyu’s airspace was part of the authorities’ plan.

Hu Ping also pointed out that besides Diaoyu Islands, CCP

(Chinese Communist Party) shows readiness for other attacks.

Good example for this is the Chinese new style passport,

with its imprinted territories of India and other countries.

Hu Ping: “It has a trend to show off its military, it has some

associations with ‘revival of the nation’, which is being emphasized by Xi Jinping.

On the one hand, it aims to show aggressiveness,

as to strengthen nationalism.

Off course the purpose is to create conflicts,

and enforce its own rule.”

So far, China had refused twice to take over

the Diaoyu Islands, in 1943 and 1945.

Since UN looks after Ryukyu Islands, which include Diaoyu,

UN asked USA to monitor the latter.

Two People’s Daily articles from the 1950s, and a statement

of the then Premier and Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai admit that Diaoyu Islands belong to Japan.

During China-Japan diplomatic relations in the 1970s, China

once again affirmed its sidestepping position on Diaoyu.

Thus, so far China has been passive

on the issue of Diaoyu Islands’ territory.

Hu Ping: “Recently, the US Senate passed a resolution, again

reiterating that Diaoyu falls within the scope of US-Japan Security Treaty.

US government should be aware that China expects to take

over, and be a dominant country in the international affairs.

However, obviously expectations

are different from reality.”

Guo Yongfeng, “Chinese Citizens for Monitoring Politics”

founder thinks, no matter home or abroad, a war is a disaster.

Guo also said, if China launches a war, the international

community and the Chinese people would be against it.

Showing off its military isn’t a symbol of a strong country.

He reminded that showing off military had failed in the past.

Guo Yongfeng: “It doesn’t work to show off your military.

To have a strong China, first, the people should have human rights, and ordinary people should live a dignifying life.

Second, it should have a strong economy,

and ordinary people should have some money.

Third, the ordinary people should receive

good education, and good upbringing.

Having nationalism while the state owns

most of the money, is a dictatorship.

If the ordinary people are slaves,

the country cannot count as being strong.”

Coincidently, when the Chinese aircraft flew over Diaoyu’s

airspace, in Nanjing an alarm was sounded in memory of the 75th Anniversary of

the Nanjing Massacre.

Now, Japan’s Defense Ministry published data that last year,

the urgently dispatched fighter jets was at its peak in 20 years.

Among them, 156 times this was done against China.

In a few days’ time, the Japanese Congress

will hold a general election.

According to the polls, the Liberal Democratic Party leader

Shinzo Abe is likely to become the next Premier of Japan,

Few weeks ago, he published his campaign speech,

saying he would take a tough stance on China’s policy.

Shinzo Abe even promised he would resolutely defend

Senkaku Islands and increase the defense budget.

He seems resolute to send a firm and tough message

to the communist regime in Beijing.
