


國際反腐民間組織《透明國際》(Transparency International),12月5號公布了2012年「腐敗感覺指數」,這個指標被認為可以比較客觀的衡量一個國家的「廉潔程度」。100分為「非常廉潔」,0分為「高度腐敗」。在176個接受評比的國家和地區中,中國廉潔度得39分,全球排名第80名,被認為不及格。











Transparency International: China Fails Corruption Control

December 15th, the global civil society organization against

corruption, Transparency International, announced the 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).

CPI was widely accepted to objectively measure perceived

levels of countries’public sector corruption on a scale 0-100.

An index of 100 means a low level of corruption,

and 0 means the country is highly corrupted.

Out of 176 countries in the index, China’s CPI is 39,

and ranks 80th globally, which is regarded as a “fail."

Voice of America (VOA) cited words from the research

director of Transparency International, Robin Hodess.

Hodess said that CPI is not only a measurement of corruption

level in economic and business activities;

it also objectively reflects the ethical situation

of a country’s officials.

All Petitioners Released in Unofficial Beijing Prison

In the evening of December 4th, all arrested petitioners

in Beijing Jiujing village, unofficial jail for petitioners from all over China, were suddenly released.

As estimated by Tu Dabing from Anji county, Huzhou,

Zhejiang province, the number of released prisoners is 40,000 to 50,000.

However, Deutsche Welle cited Huang Qi, the founder of

64tianwang.com, that, probably the number of the released petitioners totals only 4 to 10 thousand.

On the inconsistency of the figures Huang remarked that it is

more important that all the petitioners were released, rather than how many they were.

Liao Yiwu Questions Mo Yan’s Nobel Price Legitimacy

Deutsche Welle reported that the Chinese dissident author

Liao Yiwu, exiled in Germany, recently wrote a public letter to the Committee of Nobel Prize for Literature.

In his letter, Liao questions the qualification of Mo Yan,

the prize winner of 2012.

Liao wrote in his letter,"Both Mo Yan’s works

and personal character have big problems.”

Liao pointed out that Mo Yan wrote poems

to compliment Bo Xilai.

Furthermore, he quickly compromised

after the June Fourth incident in 1989.

Liao Yiwu remarked that the Committee members of Nobel

Prize for Literature probably never experienced live under a dictatorship regime.

That’s why they awarded the prize to Mo Yan, the vice chair

of the Chinese Writers Association, an official organization.

According to mainland Chinese media, Mo Yan departed

for Stockholm on December 5th,

accompanied by his family and local officials of

the press and publication bureau.

He will attend the award ceremony,

scheduled for December 10th.
