【禁聞】朝鮮慾發射導彈 為與中共捆更緊?






今年2月,美國和朝鮮曾經簽署協議,朝鮮承諾中止核項目與導彈計劃,以換取食品援助。 4月,朝鮮強行發射導彈,雖然發射失敗但協議被撕毀。











外界分析,12月17號是前朝鮮獨裁者金正日(Kim Jong-il)死亡一週年的祭日,朝鮮選擇12月發射火箭非常有像徵性。

採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/蕭宇

North Korea’s New “Satellite” Launches

On December 1, North Korea declared

to launch a satellite this month.

This has raised world-wide condemnation and worries.

It is deemed as a cover up for a long-range missile test.

The UN Security Council immediately expressed concerns.

Commentators say the rocket launch will help cement Kim

Jong-un’s leadership and threaten South Korea and the U.S.

Also, N. Korea tries to bind more closely with the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) to get its full political support.

The Korean Committee for Space Technology alleged to

launch a working satellite between Dec.10 and 22.

The satellite will blast off by carrier rocket Unha-3 from

the Sohae Space Center in North Phyongan Province.

The news has sparked international condemnation and fears.

José Filipe Moraes Cabral, head of U.N. Security Council’s

sanctions committee on North Korea, told the media,

“We all agree it would be extremely inadvisable to

proceed with this test."

Washington considers the rocket launch as a cover up

for long-range missile tests with nuclear warheads, designed to strike other countries.

It “would be a highly provocative act that

threatens peace and security in the region," spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.

“The path to security for North Korea lies in investing

in its people and abiding by its commitments and international obligations."

In February this year, the U.S. and North Korea signed

an agreement.

North Korea promised to freeze nuclear work in exchange

for food aid from the U.S.

In April, North Korea breached this promise

by launching missiles, but failed.

Liu Yinquan, former historian professor in China,

analyzes purposes for North Korea’s launch plan.

Liu Yinquan: “Firstly, it’s to secure Kim Jong-un’s rule,

creating his own cult of personality and personal prestige.

Secondly, it aims to threaten South Korea.

Thirdly, to threaten the U.S.,and the fourth, to threaten China."

Liu Yinquan says that Kim Jong-un took over power

from his father, which lacks legitimacy.

In the impoverished North Korea,

the rocket launch can justify Kim’s dictatorship.

The successful launch will force S. Korea to yield and

threaten the U.S. to withdraw its full support of S. Korea.

Liu Yinquan comments the N. Korean dictator tries to

bundle more closely with the CCP regime, all in order to get its full support.

Liu Yinquan: “How will it threaten the CCP regime?

How will it bundle with China?

Possessing missiles and nuclear weapons would be

an effective approach.

This will help restrain CCP’s action towards N. Korea."

North Korea’s rocket launch news triggered actions

of its neighboring countries.

Russian Aerospace Defense Forces will be ready to

“bring it down” if the rocket goes off track towards Russia.

Japan Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto has ordered

the deployment of its missile intercept system.

South Korean Foreign Ministry held an emergency meeting.

It accused N. Korea of launching a long-range missile

in the name of “satellite".

It said with provocations, North Korea attempts to influence

S. Korea’s presidential election held on December 19.

CCP Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang remarked


He said N. Korea has the right to the peaceful use of

outer space, but should abide by UN bans on ballistic missile tests.

Liu Yinquan: “This shows the CCP regime devoid of principle.

It should have firmly opposed N. Korea’s missile launch.

That would help improve the image of the Chinese regime

and safeguard its national interests.”

He Anquan, sponsor of China Nuclear Safety

Information Center comments.

The CCP has long supported N. Korea dictatorship to

maintain influence in the Korean Peninsula and in East Asia.

As tensions on the Korean Peninsula will be bad for the CCP.

He Anquan thinks N. Korea launched a missile aiming to

coerce the U.S. to delist it as an authoritarian state.

He Anquan: “It’s incapable of staging war with

other countries, such as S. Korea or Japan.

By making troubles, it aims to establish normal relations

with the U.S..”

Observers say that it is the first anniversary of

Kim Jong-il’s death on December 17th.

It is very symbolic to choose December

for the rocket launch.
