【禁聞】國民儲蓄率高 阻礙中國經濟增長?







大陸律師 李天天:「物價這麼高,房子這麼貴,他沒有養老保障,他一輩子的錢都不敢花,他都要存著,像老年人他有錢他哪兒敢花啊,醫療沒有保障,養老沒有保障,還有很多東西都沒有保障,血汗錢,保命錢,誰敢消費啊。」



美「南卡羅萊納大學艾肯商學院」教授 謝田:「這些專家基本上在昧著良心說話,希望民眾敢於消費,主動消費,你如果也是一般人的工資水平,看到房價這麼高,還有醫療保險,教育這些費用,你敢不敢消費?他也不敢消費,除非他站在利益集團這一階層或者從中得到了好處,才敢這麼胡說八道。」






採訪編輯/李韻 後製/王明宇


High Savings Rate Hinder Economics?

China’s national savings rate has exceeded 50%, but was

considered to be one of the reasons for underpowered domestic consumption.

Some so-called experts said, making people dare to consume

and consume actively could accelerate progress out of

an economic recession and promote economic restructuring.

However, economists said that the so-called economic reform

results in China, were all looted away by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) privileged interest groups.

To promote economic restructuring, it should not start from

the citizens, but the CCP privileged class.

On 21st November, People’s Daily published

an article pointing out that

China is facing the dual challenges of the international

financial crisis and the adjustment of economic structure,

boosting domestic demand and expanding consumption have

become important means to promote economic restructuring.

The report referred data from the International

Monetary Fund, saying in the early 1990s,

China’s household savings accounted for more than 35%

of the gross domestic product.

In 2005, the Chinese savings rate was up to 51%,

while the global average savings rate was only 19.7%.

In 2009, China’s household savings rate was 52%,

and the savings balance exceeded 18 trillion Yen;

the savings rate ranked first in the world,

and per capita savings was more than 10,000 Yen.

However, while China’s national savings rate climbed,

consumers』 willingness to spend is on the wane.

In early 2011, the central bank published

a depositors survey report,

which showed that up to 85.8% of urban residents

tended to save and only 14.2% tended to spend more.

Lawyer Li Tiantian in China pointed out most people tend to

save money, which only shows that national welfare is too low,

people feel insecure in life, and a lot of people could even

afford a house though they live frugally for a lifetime.

Li Tiantian: “The prices are so high, and houses are so

expensive, the CCP does not offer a pension guarantee,

so people dare not spend their money,

even if saving for a lifetime.

For the seniors, how dare they spend money?

There is no government aid medical insurance,

no guaranteed pension, so many things have no guarantee.

So how can people spend the money they earned?”

The report also cited the analysis of Wu Jinglian from the

PRC’s State Council Development Research Center, and

pointed out the imbalance of excessive national savings

and lack of consumption hinder China’s economic growth.

Experts say, it should gradually reduce the high savings rate,

allow and encourage people to spend and actively consume,

thus speeding up China』s turn-around out of economic

recession, and promoting economic restructuring.

However, Professor Xie Tian from the Business School at the

University of South Carolina-Aiken pointed out that the

results of the so-called economic reforms in China have been

all looted away by the CCP privileged interest groups, so the public cannot afford to consume.

Professor Xie Tian: “basically, these experts are speaking

unconscionably, hoping that the people dare consume and actively spend.

If you are also at the average person’s wage level,

seeing that house prices are so high,

plus medical insurance and education costs,

would you consume?

No. He must be standing for the interest group or be gaining

some benefits from them, allowing him to speak nonsense.”

Xie Tian said that the Chinese have frugal habits, and the

savings rate in Asian countries was significantly higher than those in the West.

But China’s savings rate is as high as 52%,

which is completely the result of malformed CCP policy making.

Xie Tian: “Why do Chinese people want to save

so much money?

Because they are afraid, they have a strong sense of

uncertainty about their future.

They do not know what their future will be like.

Inflation in China is so serious, so people had

to save for a house, or to prepare for education, health care, and retirement.”

Additionally, Xie Tian, pointed out that to accelerate

China’s turn-around out of economic recession and

to promote economic restructuring, it should not start

from the citizens, but should begin with the Communist authorities.

Xie Tian: “Firstly, the Chinese government should think of

ways for the capital return to knock down inflation in China.

Secondly, the corrupted CCP officials should return

the money they steal from the Chinese people.

Then the Chinese would have money to spend.

Now China is rich but the people are poor.

The treasures were taken away by the country,

or actually by the CCP privileged class.”

At the end of August, the PRC State Council economist,

Li Zuojun said, in around the year 2013,

China may have an outbreak of an economic crisis,

which will lead to social problems.

The outbreak of current accumulated social conflicts is

a precursor of an imminent storm.
