【禁聞】差額選舉無關民主 再議中共合法性













藍述表示,中共政權所有關於改革的實際內涵,只是改變共產黨的執政方式,而不改變共產黨的執政地位。 他說,恰恰是中共的獨裁地位,才是中國面臨一切問題的核心。

採訪/劉惠 編輯/許旻 後製/葛雷

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Ruling Legitimacy Questioned Regardless of the Election Outcome

As the 18th National Congress arrives, Xi Jinping insists

on conducting an “election” in the Political Bureau and the Standing Committee.

Hu and Xi are believed to hold power because the

Youth League Faction (Tuanpai) is holding more seats than the

Jiang faction.

The pro-CCP media claimed the election as a way

of political reform.

However, our analysts indicate the election is

to balance power within the CCP and ultimately to maintain CCP dictatorship.

It has nothing to do with democratic election.

Comparing that to the upcoming U.S. presidential election,

the legitimacy of the CCP ruling is again questioned.

Prior to the 18th National Congress with political struggle

in the CCP increasing, Xi Jinping called the election.

The differential proportion is said to range from 10% to 30%

for central committee, political bureau and standing committee.

Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang first proposed election

as part of the political reform.

People have since then expected democratic movement

within the CCP.

Political critic Lan Su indicates that

the CCP election is a false democracy.

The policy to follow the majority within the CCP does not

reflect the democracy or rights of the Chinese people.

None of these officials were elected by the Chinese

people to begin with.

Lan Su: “This type of reform does not solve

the two main problems.

First, it will not solve the problem that Communist

dictatorship is superior to the Constitution.

Second, it will not solve the profound social moral crisis

caused by communism, even after the complete bankruptcy

of the CCP.

This reform is superficial and will not have any

restraining effect on the CCP officials."

It is believed that Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang

will not be subject to the election.

This was a CCP high level decision to ensure a smooth

handover during the 18th National Congress.

If the situation changes and is out of control,

the election will not happen for the Standing Committee.

The election is anticipated to completely rid Jiang』s faction

and consolidate political alliances of Hu and Xi.

Political critic Lan Su believes the election plays the role as the

eight political parties in the Political Consultative Conference.

They only help to maintain the ruling status of the CCP.

However, CCP never did get the political power through

election. Therefore, CCP has been an illegal ruling party.

The Internal Institute for Strategic Studies researcher Gong

Shengli: “The CCP itself has been an illegal political party in the Republic of China.

It also took over the power illegally. It has no legality.

There was no election, no vote, and no registration either

in the world or in China. It has been completely a Mafia group.

Nothing in the CCP is public, including the committee

at all levels. The party‘s fiscal is the state’s fiscal."

The world is watching the 18th National Congress on Nov.8th

in Beijing and the U.S. Presidential election on Nov. 6th.

When the power transitions are taking place at both countries,

the public campaign in the U.S. is live broadcast.

Both Obama and Romney campaign ads are seen in the

Chinese media Epoch Times website to draw attention.

In contrast, the 18th National Congress is censored

on China’s Internet.

The security measures have reached the highest

in CCP history.

On Oct. 30th Beijing initiated an emergency response

program involving party officials in transportation,

tourism, culture, business construction and sanitation

and 1.4 million volunteers.

This number does not include the military and police officers.

There are also numerous security measures

such as no release of flying pigeons,

forbidden to buy remote controlled airplane toys, and

clearing the neighborhood of the Great Hall of the People.

Political critic Lan Su: “The CCP is scared, facing the highest

social contradictions in China in its 60 years of ruling.

The CCP is extremely nervous of the power transition.

Any little trouble could lead to the eruption of the volcano.

The CCP is fully aware of it."

Lan Su indicates that the reform will only change

the way to rule but not the ruling status of the CCP.

He says, “CCP authoritarian is exactly

the core problem of China.”
