【禁聞】中共政局大翻盤 十八大後見真章







時事評論家 章天亮:「現在基本上已經定盤了,就是說,薄熙來會受到重判,現在有人預料,他甚至可能判處死刑立即執行,也就是說現在胡溫已經徹底的把周永康、江澤民、薄熙來,這一派系『血債幫』已經給打垮了,打垮了之後的話,剩下的事,是怎麼樣安排人事的問題了。」









採訪編輯/常春 後製/周天

Political Upheaval in CCP Rule: Veil Will Be Uncovered After 18th National Congress

The Chinese Communist Party recently

made two announcements.

Bo Xilai, former party chief in Chongqing, was expelled

from the party and removed from his post.

The date for the 18th National Congress was also decided.

October is now the period of preparation,

ahead of the Congress in November.

Reports state that October is a very critical time,

because there may be upheavals taking place.

Some analysts think there is little chance that upheavals

will occur before the 18th National Congress.

This is based on observing Bo Xilai’s current situation.

However, after the 18th National Congress,

a real upheaval might take place in China.

Some overseas media reported that upheavals may take

place in China before the 18th National Congress.

How might upheaval manifest?

The reports state that there could be personnel

changes, and political changes.

The report further stated that the personnel situation refers

to committee members in the Standing Committee.

This will impact the personnel modification

of the senior authorities in early March next year.

It also impacts administrative governments, National

Congress members and Political Consultative members.

China’s political situation will be dominated by the last

political report that Hu Jintao is going to make in the 18th National Congress, before his term of presidency expires.

It’s also about new political policies that Xi Jinping

and Li Keqiang are going to announce.

This is also what all the party factions are trying to pin down.

Zhang Tianliang, Professor from

George Mason University, commented

There is little chance that any upheaval will take

place in China before the 18th National Congress.

Zhang Tianliang: “Now the political situation in China

is almost clear. Bo Xilai will be convicted.

Some people predict that Bo will be given

the death penalty, and an immediate execution.

This means that Hu Jintao & Wen Jiabao have

already defeated the blood-debt faction of Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai.

The next step is about rearranging personnel.”

Zhang Tianliang also highlights that the blood-debt faction

does not now have another chance to plot interference before the 18th National Congress.

Only after the 18th National Congress

could a political upheaval happen in China.

Zhang Tianliang: “After the 18th National Congress,

Xi Jinping will need to think about how long his term of presidency can last.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in China

cannot last another 10 years any more.

The CCP has already used up all means

or excuses to maintain its rule in China.”

In the announcement of Bo Xilai’s expulsion from the party

and removal from his post, there is a sentence stating

“during investigation, Bo Xilai was found to have

been involved in other criminal activities.”

This sentence provides a wide range of possibilities

about what crimes Bo will be convicted of.

Meanwhile, China has temporarily lifted

an internet ban on sensitive words, such as “Live organ harvesting”, “Bo Xilai” and “Wang Lijun”.

After the “Wang Lijun Incident” in April, Baidu and

other micro-blogging sites also temporarily un-banned sensitive words like “Live organ harvesting”.

This phenomenon trigged a lot of speculation.

Zhang Tianliang: “In China, people’s

discontentment is widespread.

If the CCP continue’s to rule as it has in the past, it might

be overturned very soon, or be undermined by other factors.

This brutal and inhuman crime, live organ harvesting

from Falun Gong practitioners, can no longer remain hidden.

All the CCP senior authorities are facing the death penalty.

We are watching what choices they are going to make.”

Some overseas media reported that Jiang Zemin,

widely known to be in a vegetative state, appeared in the National Theater to watch a western opera.

However, China’s official media didn’t report a word about it.

Some observers think that it’s not a positive sign for Jiang’s

faction, when they used Jiang Zemin to influence the 18th National Congress but official media haven’t reported on it.

It’s strange that that the news about Jiang’s appearance

in the National Theater was only reported by overseas media.

Zhang Tianliang: ”This means that Jiang Zemin

has no influence in China at all now.

Even the news about Jiang’s appearance

at the National Theater might be fake.

Zhou Yongkang has been firmly supporting Bo Xilai.

It has turned out that Zhou Yongkang was not able to protect

Bo Xilai, and Zhou is not even able to protect himself now.”

Therefore, it is now critical whether the new leadership

will abandon the CCP and re-evaluate history.

Or will they choose to be buried with the CCP?
