【禁聞】案中有案 中共罪惡曝光國際沸騰





《大紀元時報》總編 郭君:「這是在聯合國正式場合,第一次討論關於活摘法輪功器官的指控。非常多國家(代表)都非常高興,在21屆聯合國理事會上這件事能夠曝光。大家都在議論這件事。而且當天有的國家(代表)沒有在現場的,他們就到聯合國網站上,找到我那天的發言,看了錄像。」






9月12號,在美國眾議院外交委員會關於中共活摘器官聽證會上,反強摘器官醫生協會(Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting)發言人達蒙‧諾託醫生(Damon Noto,MD),建議國會通過決議,譴責中共從囚犯和良心犯身上強制摘取器官。

大陸自由撰稿人 朱欣欣:「很多人對這個事情不置可否,並不是完全不相信。所以很多人對這個事情很曖昧,搞不清應該怎麼辦。所以現在有一個國際的權威的人權組織來參與調查取證,我覺得特別好,很好的一個事情。這樣的事情早就應該進行了。」




採訪/劉惠 編輯/王子琦 後製/柏妮

More International Exposure of CCP’s Crimes Against Humanity

During the UN’s 21st Session of the Human Rights Council,

representatives from many countries expressed

the need to maintain focus on the political situation

of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Attention was also required for the cases

of Wang Lijun, Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai.

The crimes behind these cases, that of live organ harvesting

of Falun Gong practitioners, shocked the U.N. delegates.

This topic was mentioned many times in the U.N.,

and the intensity of exposure continues to heat up.

On September 18, The Epoch Times editor-in-chief Guo Jun

and Dr. Parker, Chief representative of International

Educational Development (IED), spoke at the General

Assembly of the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva.

They exposed the CCP’s crimes of live organ harvesting

to more than 100 country delegates and NGOs.

They demanded an investigation into these crimes, and in

the following days, this became a hot topic among delegates.

The CCP has just ended the trial of the “Wang Lijun Case.”

Many delegates expressed that the cases of Wang Lijun,

Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai are not as simple as they seemed.

There are “cases within the cases.”

They are also aware that the core political issue

of the CCP involves Falun Gong.

Bo Xilai’s case involves organ harvesting and

international trade of bodies of Falun Gong practitioners.

Guo Jun: “This is the 1st time organ harvesting of Falun Gong

practitioners has been discussed on a formal U.N. platform.

Many representatives were happy that it could be exposed

during the 21st Session of the Human Rights Council.

Everyone is talking about it.

Some representatives who did not attend the meeting

read my speech online, and watched the video.”

Guo Jun said that many representatives hope that

they can help with this issue in the future.

Guo Jun: “Representatives of some countries said

they would study this after they go back, and hope to get more information on how to take further action.

Some countries expect the U.S. will take further action,

and that they would act together with the United States.”

However, Guo Jun said that she felt heavy.

The Epoch Times exposed the crimes

of live organ harvesting as early as 2006.

Only after six years was this issue brought up in the U.N.

Guo Jun: “This road is too long. This crime

has never happened before in the human history.

It challenges everyone’s dignity.

After our speech, the CCP delegates

immediately denied it, and continue to lie.

The nature of this crime is Genocide, committed by the CCP.

The CCP is using a whole country’s strength to cover it up.”

Representatives of many countries expressed that they

would work together to support the U.N. and the

international community to enter China to investigate,

and to bring the criminals involved to justice.

Guo Jun thinks that everyone who hears about it

should think what they could do to stop this crime.

During the hearing on September 12, conducted by

the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs,

“Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting” spokesman

MD Damon Noto suggested the House pass a resolution.

This should condemn the CCP’s forced organ harvesting

from prisoners of conscience and political dissidents.

Chinese freelance writer Zhu Xinxin:

“Many people do not want to discuss it.

It is not that they completely do not believe in it. Many

do not have a clear understanding, nor know what to do.

I think it is great to have an international

human rights organization investigate these crime.

It should have happened a long time ago.

Zhu Xinxin thinks that if the CCP prevents

the investigation, it further validates the truth.

If the CCP wants to prove its innocence,

it must actively cooperate in the investigation.

This places the CCP in a dilemma.

Minghui.net reported on September 20 that a Chinese

delegation, led by premier Wen Jiabo, held a meeting in Brussels with a delegation from the European Union.

Falun Gong practitioners in Europe put up banners

at the nearby Poelaert Plein, requesting an immediate stop to the persecution of Falun Gong.

Under the sunlight, Falun Gong practitioners did

group practice with a serene and peaceful music.

They want to rescue Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Their efforts obtained support from a lot of people.
