【禁聞】中共官員赴美豪賭 美政府調查洗錢


【新唐人2012年9月24日訊】2012年的中國春節,位於美國拉斯維加斯的賭場公司「永利渡假(Wynn Resorts Ltd.)」,僅一個晚上就從賭桌上狂攬了1,600萬美元收入,這是這家公司歷史上賭桌盈利最多的一個晚上。隨著美國賭場不斷擴大「中國業務」,美國財政部下屬執法部門目前關注的是,是否有部分「博彩仲介」正通過遮掩資金來源,從而讓拉斯維加斯成為一個新的「洗錢中轉站」。

據美國《華爾街日報》報導,美國財政部金融犯罪執行網路(Financial Crimes Enforcement Network),上個月對賭場發出警告,建議它們監督「博彩仲介」的運營和客戶,如發現可疑行為,應匯報一切可用信息。美國執法部門說,他們對於那些「將仲介存款跨境轉移給客戶的賭場」表示關注。他們說,由於缺少像銀行那樣的仔細審核,這些資金流動有很高的「洗錢」風險。






為幫助富人,「博彩仲介」向玩家提供高信用額度,然後在賭博損失越來越大的時候收債。一些「博彩仲介」讓多金賭客在出國前打個欠條就可以。監管機構說,究竟有多少「博彩仲介」繞開了中國的監管,卻是一筆糊塗賬。內華達州博彩業管理委員會(Nevada Gaming Control Board)即將卸任的主席利帕雷利(Mark Lipparelli)說,至今還沒有誰能告訴我,錢是怎麼從中國內地進入澳門的,還沒有誰給我一個清楚的解釋。

「澳門理工學院(Macau Polytechnic Institute) 」在2010年的一項研究發現,在澳門的貴賓賭客中,中國政府官員、國企管理者、私企老闆等為澳門博彩業貢獻了超過三分之二的收入。



採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/葛雷

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials squander so much

money in casinos; U.S. government to investigate possible laundering activities

During Chinese New Year 2012, Las Vegas-based casino

developer and operator, Wynn Resorts Ltd.

earned an overnight income of 16 million USD

on its gambling tables.

This set the company’s record of overnight income

from casino business.

As U.S. casinos are continuously visited by more

“Chinese customers”,

U.S. Treasury Department’s law-enforcing department

is currently investigating whether some “gambling agents” have concealed their fund resources.

If this is true, such an act will make Las Vegas

a new transit point for money laundering.

According to a Wall Street Journal’s report,

U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes

Enforcement Network issued a warning last month,

suggesting the casinos monitor “gambling agents”

on their operations and customers.

The casinos are encouraged to report all available

information if anything suspicious is found.

The law-enforcing agency said they had especial concern

with casinos making cross-border money transfer from agents to customers.

Unlike the careful verification process performed in banks,

casino transfers are not regulated in the same way and are

highly likely to serve as “money laundering”.

As regulated by the law, each Chinese citizen can only

transfer up to 50,000 dollars abroad each year.

Some super gamblers thus seek help from international

travel agents who can provide them a huge amount of money for gambling abroad.

Those travel agents are usually called “gaming agents”.

Some time ago, the U.S. law enforcement officers and

diplomatic representatives in Macau suspected that

the casino business in Macau serves money laundering

purposes and organized crimes.

Beijing freelancer Yin Deyi said that, “laundering

through casinos” is a common trick played by CCP’s underground banks.

He said: “To my knowledge, the best way to handle funds

of unknown origin is to make use of casinos, especially the underground casinos to launder.

There are lots of laundering agents in China.

As an example, Bo Xilai and his wife worried a lot

about how to handle their 6 billion dollars.

The problem is how to transfer that money abroad?”

Since the 1980’s, the Macau-based “gambling agents” have

played an indispensable role in the lives of rich Chinese.

This is because there is a strict limit of the cash amount

permitted to be brought abroad by Chinese residents.

(Yin Deyi):”As you can see, the Macau casinos have

become the bridge of money transfer for CCP officials.

Many of us know that those officials can spend millions

or even more overnight.

In fact, besides that they also “transfuse their blood”

abroad through casinos.”

To serve the rich, “gambling agents” first provide

a very high credit to the gamer and then collect the debt when the gamer has lost a lot in the casino.

To very wealthy gamblers, some agents even provide

the service only with an IOU before they go abroad.

The regulatory agency acknowledged that nobody knows

exactly how many agents have escaped CCP monitoring.

Head of Nevada Gaming Control Board

Mark Lipparelli said

until now no one has provided him a clear explanation on

how the money flows into Macau from China mainland.

According to a 2010 research project by Macau Polytechnic

Institute among the VIP customers of Macau casinos,

more than two thirds of the whole industry’s revenue

came from CCP officials, state-owned and private company managers.

(Gong Lei, Shandong independent writer): “For ordinary

private entrepreneurs who only earn legal income by being hardworking, they won’t squander their money in casinos.

The real purpose of super gamblers is to transfer state-owned

assets or launder the money seized from civilians or by fraud.

Most of the money is from illegal income.”

In recently years, several Las Vegas-based companies

such as MGM, Wynn and LVS opened casinos in Macau one after another.

Macau has become one of the largest gaming centers

in the world.

The 2011 total revenue of Macau’s casino industry reached

34 billion dollars, which is five times that of Las Vegas region.

At the same time, the number of Chinese and Hong Kong

visitors to Las Vegas also surged to 188,000 in 2011, 80% higher than five years ago.
