【禁聞】習近平失蹤 意識到管理中國的難處













採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/郭敬

Through Disappearance of Xi Jinping and See How difficult He Handle with Current China

Xi Jinping went missing for two weeks and the CCP

authorities refused to give a reason.

Recently, Thomas Freeman, an American journalist analyzed

the possible reasons and

pointed out both the economic and political problems facing

the CCP. He believes that Xi must reform after he takes over.

However, Mainland Chinese hold that the dates of the 18th

Party congress hasn’t be announced yet, and the people shouldn’t expect a major reform.

The BBC Chinese website reported that International Herald

Tribune published commentary on the 17th from Thomas Freeman,

discussing Xi’s disappearance, the CCP’s corrupt system,

protests in Hong Kong, and how Xi may have to face these problems after he takes over.

The article said Xi had disappeared for 2 weeks.

While the CCP refused to give out his whereabouts

and explain the reasons, rumors spread everywhere.

Was he sick?

Is there CCP infighting?

Thomas Freeman said his disappearance might be because

he realized the difficulty he faces over the future 10 years.

Political critic Lan Shu said it is the crucial time for CCP

leadership change.

CCP top management is busy arranging for personnel

and the fighting between different factions is very ferocious.

Freeman’s article said that the way of utilizing cheap labor

and resources to develop the economy as they did in the past 30 years in China won’t last long.

Under CCP ruling, state-owned banks collaborate

with state-owned enterprises to monopolize many trades,

making some high officials and their families very wealthy.

They then moved their money overseas.

Therefore, many people want Xi to initiate economic

and political reform.

Mainland democratic activist En Guang: “The imbalance

of the Chinese economy can be seen in many aspects.

The main reason is corrupt power.

The difference between officials and the general public,

urban and rural areas, coastal cities and interior ones lead to social problems in many aspects.

CNN anchor Fareed Zakaria also published an article

on the subject.

He said after the removal of former Chongqing Party Secretary

Bo Xilai, rumors about CCP infighting spread widely.

The CCP has narrowly escaped this political crisis,

yet an economic crisis is brewing which will be a difficult direct challenge.

Former Journalist from Zhejiang, Zan Aizhong: “I think

the 18th congress or the two sessions won’t change China much.

A reform needs actions that can be seen by the public.

If the one-person-one-vote system is not in place and we can’t

see your actions, there is no reform."

Zan also holds that CCP operation is not transparent

and the local authorities are not well supported by the residents.

Zan:"If you are not transparent, you are closed-door,

no open government.

The closed-door government may lead to terrible results in that

they are not well supported by the people.

The longer you closed the door, more risks will occur."

Zan said the date of the 18th congress hasn’t been announced

yet and Chinese people are not optimistic about that.
