【禁聞】「9•18」民洩不滿 「先廢勞教再保釣」














中國維權人士胡軍:「我們國內很東西在無法解決的時候,就採取這種辦法,來欺騙民眾,如果只是釣魚島這個問題的話,那我們南海是不是問題?海森崴是不是問題?給蘇聯的土地有多少?我們是不是應該清點﹖但是釣魚島,當時鄧小平說的是擱置爭議、共同開發,既然是我們的,為何要擱置爭議? 現在為了轉移矛盾,讓人們挑起對日本人的仇恨,然後是甚麼?自己打自己,自己砸自己的財產,挑起民間矛盾。」




採訪/田淨 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Put an End to Forced Labor Camps Before the Diaoyu Islands

Due to the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands) dispute,

large scale anti-Japanese demonstrations

that have broken out all over China have grown

increasingly violent.

The protests forced dozens of Japanese factories to shut

down in China, and some Japanese companies closed their Beijing businesses.

However, protest slogans suggests the Chinese peoples’

resentment towards the authorities,

such as “Put an End to Forced Labor Camps Before Protecting

the Diaoyu Islands, In Order to Avoid Future Sentencing.”

Let’s go learn more with our reporter.

September 18 coincided with 81 anniversary of the

‘September 18 Incident’, Japanese invasion to China.

People held large-scale anti-Japanese demonstrations

all over China again.

A citizen in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi says: “I was at work.

We could see it from far away in our unit, many people were downtown.”

Reporter: “Is there still an anti-Japanese march?"

Fujian citizens: “Yes."

Reporter: “How many people are in attendance?"

Fujian citizens: “About 10,000 people participated."

Some reports pointed out over 1,000 fishing boats from

Zhejiang and Fujian provinces were allegedly headed to fish in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands.

However, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation


“On September 18, in the 11th area of Japanese Sea

Protection Bureau, 43 km northwest of the Diaoyu Islands,

outside of Japanese territorial waters, they only found

a Chinese Fisheries Oversight Ship, ‘Fishery 35001’.

In waters near the Diaoyu Islands, they did not find a large

number of Chinese fishing boats up to noon.

However, ‘Fishery 35001’ has been hovering in Chinese waters

outside the median line claimed by Japan.

On the other hand, in China, the protect Diaoyu Islands

and anti-Japanese demonstrations took place in over 80 cities.

Many in many cities there were beatings, looting, and theft.

Many local governments have mobilized large numbers of

riot police and armed police embattled to prevent people from violent beating, looting and robbing.

Political commentator Lan Shu said that in the top level

of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),

someone is taking advantage of the patriotic enthusiasm of

people, using nationalism as a tool in struggles for power.

Lan Shu: “The Diaoyu Islands issue is an old problem.

Even when Jiang Zemin was in power, he did not defend the Diaoyu Islands.

Now why just before the 18th National People’s Congress (NPC)

meeting, when CCP high officials concentrate on fighting for their own interests, and defending the Diaoyu Islands has been appeared?

because it is due to the personnel arrangements of the 18th NPC,

as well as this would benefit more for Jiang’s faction;

and in the case of Bo Xilai, it is to obtain more

space for Jiang’s faction.”

Overseas media analysts say the Diaoyu Island incident

in China intensified because black hands were involved

in disordering China’s internal and foreign affairs,

preventing smooth succession.

Chinese human rights activist Hu Jun: “When many problems

cannot be solved in China, they (CCP) will deceive the public this way.

If the Diaoyu Islands are a problem, how about

the South China Sea?

How about land given to the Soviet Union?

Shouldn’t we count it?

For Diaoyu Islands, Deng Xiaoping had said

to put aside disputes and develop jointly.

If it was ours, why would Deng put aside disputes?

To transfer internal conflicts, they (CCP) stir up hatred of Japan, and then what is next?

People are simply beating themselves, destroying their own

property, and provoking civil conflicts.”

A netizen said, “We do not have any reason to bring hatred

against the enemy to our own compatriots.

We should be rational in patriotism, starting from loving

our own compatriots.

Those who beat, destroy and rob others are just national


Qiu Yong in China: “The major problem in China now

is not Japan, but the problem of corruption, social injustice,

people’s discontent, no sound democratic system,

and an undeveloped rule of law."

In addition, all kinds of protest slogans have turned up online

defending the Diaoyu Islands, which are mixed with people’s resentment of the ruler,

such as “Put an End to Forced Labor Camps Before Protecting

the Diaoyu Islands, In Order to Avoid Future Sentencing,”

and “3,000 urban management personnel can regain Diaoyu Islands;

500 corrupted officials can eat up the small Japan."
