【禁聞】18大政局詭異 各派駁火不斷











郭永豐:「他們都是相互要上位,就要黑對方,通過出口轉內銷,抹黑對方讓自己來上位。有的人爲了上位也是標榜自己,也僱用一些御用文人來給自己在海外媒體作宣傳。 專制社會他確定了就那幾個人,反正競爭來競爭去,他們鬥來鬥去就那幾個人在鬥,沒有其他的人在參與。







「全球自由信息運動」創辦人 張新宇:「他是一種政治上的炒作,因爲現在國內媒體已經完全失去了信譽,老百姓……就像那個奶粉一樣的,喜歡進口的那個意思。只要是外國進來的,老百姓還相信一點。」


採訪/劉惠 編輯/李明飛 後製/蕭宇

Different Chinese Communist Party (CCP) factions frequently

release news on foreign media, plotting a strange situation

before the 18th National Congress

Right before the 18th National Congress, intriguing and

thrilling political shows took place one by one in China.

At the same time, different factions frequently released

messages through oversea media.

The turbulence accentuates a Zhongnanhai full of

unusual changes and hot battles.

Let’s have a review of what’s happened in the past ten days.

On September 1st, former Director of the General Office of

Central Committee, Ling Jihua, Hu Jintal’s trusted follower,

was appointed as the Minster of United Front Work. The

sudden appointment caused reactions from outsiders.

The next day, South China Morning Post, a Hongkong

newspaper supported by Jiang Zemin’s group,

released an investigation report which attempted

to attack Ling Jihua.

The report said Ling’s political career had been blocked

since he tried to hide the truth of his son’s death in a crash of his Ferrari this March.

Shortly afterwards, New York Times and Los Angeles Times

reported that some official resource confirmed the news was true.

However, they also acknowledged that it was still

difficult to completely verify the news.

Different factions of the CCP constantly released messages

to attack their rivals during the period of power transfer.

Radio France Internationale cited an analyst’s opinion that

Ling Jihua’s new appointment was selected to be first

announced on the South China Morning Post

which is related to the CCP authority;

This clearly suggested the political faction behind this report.

Guo Yongfeng, founder of Chinese Citizen Monitoring

Association: ”The situation has been made quite confusing and it’s hard to tell whether a news is true or not.

Since China is not a democratic regime,

news is impossible to verify.

In a democratic society, the officials are required to declare

their wealth but in a shady dictatorship regime nobody does it.

They just keep attacking each other but in fact

most of them are equally evil.”

Although the CCP authority still holds off the schedule of

the 18th National Congress,

Deutsche Welle has revealed the list of new Politburo Standing

Committee members citing some authoritative resource.

The article said that Hu Jintao seemed to be the winner

of the long-term power struggle.

The article pointed out among the seven Politburo Standing

Committee members, Li Keqiang, Li Yuanchao and Wangyang were all from Hu’s Youth League Faction.

They were born in the 1950’s and could succeed

themselves for two sessions.

Xi Jinping, Wangqishan and Yu Zhengsheng won another

three seats in the committee but Wang and Yu from Jiang’s faction could not succeed due to limit of age.

However, on the same day another report of Deutsche Welle

cited a scholar Gao Yu’s words, who believed that

it was still early to say Hu Jintao was the biggest winner

of the game.

According to the unconfirmed list, there should be three

Princelings and three members from Youth League Faction;

however, the last member Zhang Dejiang was

from Jiang’s faction.

Guo Yongfeng: ”To enter the Politburo Standing Committee,

all of them are attacking each other by releasing messages

through oversea media to affect the situation inside China.

Or they hire writers to publish articles on oversea media

to glorify themselves.

Under the dictatorship regime, it is always those several

persons who are qualified to compete for the position.

For all the others they will never have the chance

to join this competition.”

Gao Yu believes that although Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai’s

incident has helped Hu Jintao get some advantage in the power struggle,

it is still Xi Jinping who calls the shots.

However, as Xi Jinping approaches the supreme power of

the CCP, some thrilling event seems to have happened.

On September 5th, Xi unexpectedly missed the scheduled

meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Some American official revealed that this was because

Xi suffered a “back injury”.

At the same time, Hong Kong media claimed that

Xi was injured when swimming.

On the next day, the CCP’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

announced that Xi would meet Prime Minister of Denmark,

Helle Thorning-Schmidt on September 10th.

However, the government of Denmark denied the news

on September 7th, saying that Schmidt wouldn’t meet Xi during her visit to China.

On September 8th, Boxun.com released shocking news that

Xi Jinping and He Guoqiang were both involved into traffic

accidents at the same time.

he report said Xi had no life risk after being sent to

the 301 Hospital but He’s injury was fatal.

Strangely, the news was deleted two hours after its release.

Founder of Global Information Freedom Movement Zhang

Xinyu remarked that, as the Chinese people no longer trusted the official media in China,

The CCP turned to exploit the freedom of speech outside

China to continuously deceive the Chinese civilians.

Zhang Xinyu: ”This is a political speculation since most

Chinese media had lost their credit among civilians.

Now the Chinese people prefer foreign media just like

their preference of foreign milk powder.

If something is not produced in China, then the civilians can

still more or less trust its authenticity.”

Radio France Internationale remarked that, before the 18th

National Congress different CCP factions had released selected messages to global media in an unprecedented frequent way.

These were all strategic moves aiming at attacking their rivals.
