【禁聞】迎合靠攏掙未來? 中共仍保黨優先















採訪編輯/梁欣 後製/孫寧

Will New CCP Top Leadership Follow Hu Jintao’s Line?

Guangdong Party Chief Wang Yang has stressed

the need to enforce Party discipline.

Li Yuanchao, Central Organization Department

Minister of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) later reaffirmed Hu Jintao』s political requirement.

Both Wang and Li appeared on a list of seven names

of members of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee.

The list was recently leaked unofficially.

In the face of intensified infighting, what direction will

the CCP regime head in with its new top leadership team?

Let’s see what the experts can tell us.

Wang Yang has publicly emphasized to CCP

members the need to cultivate the “Party spirit”.

There is a need to strengthen political discipline.

Li Yuanchao restated Hu Jintao』s speech, “to built up

exemplary departments and qualified party member teams”.

Li Yuanchao highlighted the need “to be Party-spirit minded,

to be well-behaved and to set a good example”.

Observers think that both Li and Wang

are following the line of Hu Jintao.

Wang and Li’s remarks were deemed timely

for “catering" and “approaching" Xi Jinping』s recent speech on Party construction.

The list of names of the top CCP leadership team

for the 18th Party Congress was exposed on August 31.

Li Yuanchao appeared on the list as Vice President.

Wang Yang appeared as Chief of the Central

Discipline Inspection Commission.

Speculations on the new generation

of the CCP top leadership continues.

As the 18th Party Congress is approaching, Li Keqiang,

Wang Yang and Li Yuanchao have political minds in common

and are all considered to be on Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s side.

It is thought that the blood-debt faction, under Jiang Zemin’s

clique, and represented by Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang, will find it difficult to rise to power again.

Will Xi Jinping, after taking office, be united with these three?

Critic Heng He observed that the clashes existing in China’s

economy, politics and society have arrived at a tipping point.

Once it explodes, the CCP regime will collapse.

A quicker demise would be seen if the regime

continues with its political struggle, says Heng He.

Heng He: “Following CCP customs, the incumbent leader

usually picks his successor from his own faction,

or the person follows his words or his minor.

So those selected are unlikely to have unusual capabilities.

How will he dare to change this systems operation?

So they will end up witnessing the CCP’s collapse."

Heng He says that the CCP factions

can be adjusted when needed.

This is because the top CCP leaders are linked to their own

interest groups, and have their own individual interests.

Heng He: “But a faction, led by Jiang Zemin,

was established to safeguard their own group interests and to escape being punished by law.

The faction members possibly wouldn’t be united

if it was not for having committed serious massacres, and major human rights violations.

In reality, the CCP top leadership has come to terms

with the fact that the Politburo Standing Committee leaders are exempt from punishment."

Political observer Hua Po noticed that Xi Jinping

has scarcely expressed his point of view.

All the answers will only be unveiled after he takes office.

Hua Po: “He cannot openly clarify his own point of view

and select his own team.

This is a tradition observed in CCP politics.

His true colors won’t be shown until he takes office.

Hu Jintao’s “7.23-talk” sets the tone for the next leadership.

That is, the concept of scientific development.

Hu has indirectly blocked the possibility for Xi Jinping

to follow his own idea in the future.”

Hua Po analyzes that Hu Jintao wants to keep his own

ideology continuing by appointing his own successors.

Hu’s arrangement of personnel has further

reduced the power of Jiang’s faction.

Hua Po: “So let’s wait and see what Xi Jinping will do.

Will it be Hu Jintao’s scientific development concept, or not?

If Xi really follows Hu, there won’t be big problems.

If Xi has his own plans, I expect further

changes will occur in China’s politics.

The current issue in China is very sharp

social conflicts over various social factors.

On this point, once Xi Jinping comes to office, he is expected

to do some real things to gain the people’s support."

Heng He points out that whether it’s down-sizing of the CCP

Politburo Standing Committee or appointing new personnel,

this cannot truly solve the current political problems in China.

Heng He suggests that the only and the best way out

is to emulate the actions of Mikhail Gorbachev.

That is, to publicly announce the disintegration of the CCP.
