【禁聞】爆反日遊行 中共祭民族主義大旗
















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/葛雷

Beijing Regime Utilizes Anti-Japan Demonstrations

Arrested Hong Kong citizens have been deported by

Japan after landing on the Diaoyu Islands (Uotsuri Jima).

After the incident, several demonstrations

erupted in several Chinese cities.

The protests were not stopped by the on-site police force.

In reality, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

has said a lot, but done very little about the issue.

Although it has ships patrolling near the Diaoyu Islands,

the regime did not protect the arrested Hong Kong citizens.

Scholars say that this issue

has exposed the CCP’s weaknesses.

The regime has actually utilized “nationalism" to transfer

public attention from the intense domestic conflicts it faces.

On August 19, demonstrations against Japanese occupation

of the Diaoyu Islands arose in a number of cities in China.

This included Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Anyang,

Nanjing, Nanning, Chengdu and Hangzhou.

In Guangzhou, outside the Japanese Consulate General,

the demonstrating masses held CCP flags and banners.

They chanted slogans, and staged sit-ins and marches.

Lots of police vehicles were alerted nearby.

Public security cleared a route for the parade.

Meanwhile, many people in camouflage

clothing were videotaping the scene.

Protests ended at noon, which was earlier than scheduled.

Organizers revealed approximately 900 people participated.

They applied to the authorities to set up Guangzhou

branch of an Association for Protecting the Diaoyu Islands.

According to organizers, fishermen in the Pearl River Delta

will proclaim sovereignty over on the Diaoyu Islands.

He Guoquan, a Guangzhou-based painter, has revealed

that anti-Japanese demonstrations seemed spontaneous.

In fact, the demonstrations were

officially organized and condoned.

The CCP was using the public’s “nationalism"

to transfer focus from internal contradictions.

He Guoquan: “The authorities ban mass protests in China.

But now they allowed such demonstrations and

the police even cleared the route for the march.

In China, police intervene in peoples group activities,

even if they have gathered to read poetry.

So the anti-Japanese parades were very unusual.

That actually helped the authorities to divert public

attention away from domestic issues like defending rights.”

No similar protest have occurred in Beijing, and people

only sporadically protested outside the Japanese Embassy.

Jiayuan Liang, Chief Editor of 『cckz1933.cn』 website,

commented that anti-Japanese demonstrations make sense.

Jiayuan Liang: “Firstly, it showed patriotic

enthusiasm. Secondly, it pressured Japan.

Thirdly, it pressured the government.

Even the people have stood up to express their feelings,

but the government is still inactive, only talking.

That is a dishonorable thing for the government itself."

Guang Yuan, Chief Editor of Dongcha.com, stated

that the CCP authorities do not dare to take real action to claim sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

This is due to the CCP’s inner weakness.

Guang Yuan: “I believe the issue

will be minimized as much as possible.

We want to get back the territory by using force,

but that would be impossible, I guess.

Now the CCP does everything to maintain stability.

However, the stability isn’t relying on the wish of the regime”.

The anti-Japan demonstrations in Shenzhen were intense.

A Japanese brand of police car was overturned.

Some people climbed onto it, beating it with iron bars.

Local authorities dispatched police

and helicopters to monitor the situation.

Around 1pm, there was a sudden rain downpour.

Some protesters questioned whether

it was helicopter-dropped water bombs.

Witnesses said when the masses dispersed to take shelter

from rain, hundreds of armed police besieged them.

Some people were even strangled by the police.

Political commentator Willy Lam said that the

Beijing regime began to fear that the “double-edged sword" of nationalism may end up hurting the CCP itself.

The regime worries that activists for the Diaoyu islands

might turn this spearhead against the weak CCP regime.

A snowball effect might even be caused

in China, which will intensify the issue.

Therefore, the CCP authorities had to end

the issue quickly, and in a low-key manner.

Some scholars and politicians commented

on the authorities’ attitude taken toward the protest.

The Beijing regime and special district governments

began to condone and propagate a high profile for the protests, but downplayed the action in the end.

The way it has been handed has made the Hong Kong

people understand the CCP’s authoritarian nature.

This nature is packaged with nationalism.

It was the best education on this nature

for Hong Kong people, commentators have said.
