【禁聞】外媒:審谷拉序幕 法網逼近薄熙來


【新唐人2012年8月11日訊】外媒:審谷拉序幕 法網逼近薄熙來








採訪涉谷案四警官庭審 香港記者被毆



浙江舟山水庫潰壩 死傷慘重






Gu On Trial

On August 9, Gu Kailai, the wife of Bo Xilai, the former

secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Chongqing, was put on trial, attracting global attention.

The CCP political background involved has become

the focus of commentators.

Financial Times in UK published an article on August 10 stating that the trial of Gu Kailai is just a part of a larger,

well-planned political drama, Bo’s political fate being

the most critical factor.

The Guardian in UK also published a front page article on August 10, titled The Most Important Part Of The Case Is Still Unknown.

The article said, “At present, we still do not know what Bo

Xilai did in the case, which is the most critical part."

The day after Gu went on trial, the four former officers in the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau,

who are accused of harboring Gu, were also put on trial

with crime of bending the law for self-seeking.

China Times in Taiwan analyzed that if the four were

suspected of harboring Gu,

how about Wang Lijun, the former director of

the Chongqing Public Security Bureau?

As we all know, Wang Lijun had conflicts with Bo Xilai due

to his exposure of Bo, which resulted in the political storm. How about the criminal liability of Wang Lijun in ‘covering up’? How about Bo Xilai who tried to kill Wang? How could Bo sit on the sidelines?

Voice of America reported to the trial of Gu Kailai, as well as the trial of the four high-profile police officers in Chongqing under Bo.

The CCP tries to approach Bo Xilai by law.

Reuters article entitled China Launched Attack On Bo Xilai By Putting His Police Officials On Trial, pointed out directly that the CCP tightening the rope of law shows Bo Xilai may

also be accused of “a chief instigator covering up the crime.” He may also be imprisoned for many years.

HK Photographer Beaten

The previously mentioned four senior police officers

in Chongqing include Guo Weiguo, the former deputy director of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau;

Li Yang, the former Interpol Corps captain; Wang Pengfei,

the former director of Yubei District Public Security Bureau;

and Wang Zhi, the former standing director of

the Shapingba District Public Security Bureau. They were accused of harboring Gu,

and were put on trial on August 10. When the photographer of Hong Kong’s Asia Television

was interviewing outside the court,

he was hindered and assaulted by plain-clothed policemen.

The photographer’s waist became swollen and his hand bled.

Petitioners outside the court were forcibly pushed

into police cars and taken away.

Zhoushan Reservoir Collaped

In Zhoushan, Zhejiang, reporters were also blocked

From interviewing.

In the early morning hours of August 10, Shenjiakeng

Reservoir collapsed in Changtu Town, Daishan County, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province. The water, mixed with sand, poured down, and a large

number of houses were destroyed.

The CCP officially claimed the accident caused 10 deaths and 27 got injured.

Local people said the reservoir collapse destroyed

at least one third of the local villages.

Dozens of houses at downstream were washed away.

At least dozens of people were killed in their sleep.

One or two hundred went missing. The scene has been officially blockaded.

According to local people, after the accident, the villagers

made many calls, but it took a rescue crew a long time to arrive. The Epoch Times News quoted local people who said

that the reservoirs had been having problems for a long time.

Local people reported the problem many times,

but authorities did not send people to solve it.

Then, with the typhoon ‘sea anemone’,

the reservoir collapsed.
