【禁聞】中共阻谷開來案骨牌效應 恐倒臺?




英國《獨立報》分析說,官方指控谷開來的措辭,給予法庭操作的空間。 官方公告說,「 因為擔心海伍德對她兒子(薄瓜瓜)人身安全的威脅,薄谷開來毒殺了海伍德。」














採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will try to avoid domino

effect during Gu Kailai’s trial, analysts say.

Gu Kailai will be put on trial in Anhui province

instead of Bo Xilai’s home city,

Chongqing next Thursday, accused of

murdering Neil Heywood.

The trial, which result is closely related to how the CCP will

deal with Bo Xilai, has drawn wide attention from onlookers.

The view is that the CCP will try to minimize

the influence of the Bo Xilai scandal to protect itself,

which might otherwise collapse under the domino effect.

For the case of murdering of Neil Heywood,

the CCP’s official announcement accusing Gu Kailai

provided the opportunity for the court verdict.

UK newspaper, The Independent wrote that

the CCP authority claimed that

“Gu Kailai poisoned Heywood because she worried

about the threat against her son Bo Guagua’s life by the British Businessman.”

Yao Jianfu, former researcher of Department of

Studies of Rural Policies, told NTD that

the CCP might mitigate the punishment on Gu with

the excuse that she has mental problems.

Yao Jianfu: “There are two possibilities; the first one is

that Gu will end up with a death sentence as a murderer.

The second one is that Gu will be kept alive

if she is “identified” to be mentally disordered.

Personally I think the second case is more likely to happen.”

Wang Rongfen, an overseas scholar of sociology in Germany,

told NTD that Gu will probably get a suspended death penalty.

Wang Rongfen said: “As an economic giant,

the CCP worries about the consequent protests in western countries if Gu Kailai is executed.

In most cases the CCP chooses not to kill

very famous individuals.”

Wang Rongfen was famous for writing to Mao Zedong

in 1966, questioning the direction in which Mao was leading China.

Wang also announced she quit the Communist Youth

League and was since detained for 13 years.

The Independent’s reported that various factions in the

CCP badly needed to reach agreement on Gu Kailai’s trial,

in order to guarantee a stable power handover

which takes place every ten years.

The report cited political commentator Zhang Lifan’s words

that “The quick decision on bringing Gu to trail indicates

that the CCP leaders want to put an end to

Bo’s political scandal as soon as possible”

“They hope to be eased from the scandal which revealed

the division among the CCP leader group and the details of high-level corruptions”.

Yao Jianfu remarked that the CCP tried its best to play

down the influence of this largest scandal in recent 20 years,

preventing it from inducing any event

which might lead to the CCP’s collapse.

(Yao Jianfu): “I believe that the ultimate goal is

to prevent the “huge ship” from sinking.

As Jiang Zemin once said, ‘we are all on the same ship’.

Therefore they have to protect this “Titanic” of CCP regime,

and can’t endure the overthrow of politburo members

one after another.

It’s like a chess game. To avoid losing the game,

they will protect every piece from a pawn to a knight to a rook.

They can’t let the Dominoes fall. That’s what I guess.”

Wang Rongfen remarked that the CCP would also

try to separate Bo Xilai from Gu Kailai’s case.

Some CCP insider recently spread the news that

Bo wanted a divorce ten years ago but kept the marriage for his son.

(Wang Rongfen):”The CCP leaders don’t want

to punish Bo too seriously.

They still regard Bo as a party member and also worry

about intense reactions from Bo’s supporters.

If ultra-leftists and Maoists really do something

they can also make big trouble to China’s social stability.

Therefore I personally believe that,

Bo Xilai will be safe or house arrested at most.

He won’t be killed or put into prison.”

However, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao won’t change

their strategy of overthrowing Bo Xilai completely.

Jin Zhong, chief editor of HK’s Open magazine said that

strategically it was necessary to overthrow Bo Xilai

so Xi Jinping could take over the power smoothly.

Both Jiang and Hu factions agree that

Bo is a dangerous person.

Therefore, the priority is to prevent Bo

from entering the politburo.

This stops Bo from conspiring a coup to replace

Xi’s position at any time.

Jin Zhong believes that it is necessary to kill Bo Xilai

if Hu Jintao wants to eliminate his threat.

If left alive Bo may get the chance of comeback.

Jin Zhong concluded that the more seriously Gu Kailai

is punished, the easier it is to suppress Bo Xilai.

Along with Bo’s crime of corruptions and the “anti-triad” movement, “it has been a success in dealing with Bo Xilai’s case”.
